Taste young wines in Troja

Are you a lover of young wines? Then you should not miss St. Martin's toast on the 11th of November 2019, a traditional event in the Prague Botanic Garden.

Grapes for St. Martin's wines were harvested by Czech winemakers in the first half of September. The harvest year is considered to be very positive. According to representatives of the Wine Fund, the weather was good for wine, especially in the final stage of ripening grapes.

“Thanks to the alternation of warm days and cold nights, this year's wines can be expected to be very aromatic, which is one of the most important reasons for their popularity among consumers,” Marek Babisz, the main sommelier of the National Wine Centre, said. According to Babisz, in order for a wine to receive the Saint Martin’s designation, their purity, colour, aroma, taste and overall impression needs to be evaluated.


In the sign of eleven

Although St. Martin’s wines are not produced in St. Clare’s Vineyard in the Botanical Garden in Troja due to its small size, the garden does not deprive its visitors of tasting them. As was the case in previous years, bottles of 2019 vintages will symbolically be opened on the vineyard terrace at 11:11 am on the 11th of November.

There will be 11 wines of all varieties allowed for the production of St. Martin's wines on offer; including red, white and rose wines, dry wines and wines with higher residual sugar. But beware! St. Martin's wines will only be available in the wine shop while stocks last, so do not hesitate to visit the vineyard as soon as you can.


Pairing wine and food is a game

What else should you know about St. Martin's wines? The brand was registered in 1995 and it has been owned by the Wine Fund, which grants the trademark to winemakers annually, since 2005. These wines’ labels are marked with the famous symbol of Saint Martin on horseback.

And if you decide to leave the tasting for at home, do not forget to prepare something nice to eat. "Generally, the freshness and spiciness of young wines is great with more fatty meals," advises Eliška Muchnová, head of St. Clare’s Wine Shop. For example, she says that St. Martin's wines taste great with the classic roast goose with red cabbage and potato pancakes. “But there are many others options. For example, some young wines go great with cheese quiche and bacon, while others go with St. Martin's rolls with walnut filling… Simply combine, try, taste. Pairing wine and food is a game,” Eliška Muchnová advises.


For further information, please visit: https://www.botanicka.cz/en


10. listopadu 2019
10. listopadu 2019