The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the centrepieces of the Petřín Park

The long-neglected ecclesiastical building was completely restored under the supervision of the state heritage preservation boards.

The restored Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre, built in 1737, has become a centrepiece of the park surrounding the Petřín Tower, which was completely renovated last year. "The previous tenant neglected the building for a long time. We had to undergo a sensitive and challenging reconstruction, but the result is worth it," said the Deputy Mayor Petr Hlubuček. Previous repairs, made without consulting the state boards of cultural preservation, almost destroyed the chapel’s original appearance, further complicating the restoration. In addition to the cleaning of eroded parts, the monument has received a new façade.

The final colour treatment of the exterior was based on the results of the restoration survey. The restorers also renewed paintings in the interior of the chapel. "It is an unjustly ignored building that was modelled on The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem in the first half of the 18th century. One of its most interesting features is one of the windows, which light pours through every Easter at exactly 3pm, illuminating the sacrificial stone in the middle of the chapel. I believe that the restored chapel will attract many more visitors than before,” Deputy Mayor Hlubuček adds. As part of the reconstruction, new vents were added to protect the building from humidity. The building also has a new copper roof and stone paving surrounding the chapel. The cost of the restoration work was almost two million Czech Crowns.


20. ledna 2019
20. ledna 2019