The Future of Prague

In its history Prague has gone through a lot of transformations.

Sometimes, the city grew spontaneously, other times under strict supervision of a ‘planned‘ economy. Those who live in the city usually do not perceive transformations as big changes. However, when we look back in its history, we can see how big leaps in development have happened in Prague.

Many factors come into play when we look at the future of the city. The most significant influence is probably exerted by the city’s politicians. Since they plan the development of the infrastructure, roads, public transportation etc., their visions can predestine the development of whole areas.

On the other hand, nowadays there is also an important influence of large investors whose finances decide on the future appearance of the city. Last but not least, the face of the city is determined by the development and the needs of society. Nonetheless, who would have imagined, let’s say in 1985, that the National Library will be designed by a Czech, but a Czech living in Britain. Who could have guessed what different buildings will spring up not only in the suburbs but also in the city centre.

Politicians, engineers, historians, scientists but also common people – they have all their own visions of the city in ten, twenty or even fifty years time. However, hardly anyone would dare to say what the reality will actually be like. Let’s take the Flora garages which burnt in the 80’s of the last century. First there was meant to be a park in their place, then garages. In the end the garages changed into what you can see in our introductory illustration.

4. října 2007
4. října 2007