Recognition of foreign Education

  • 5 minute of reading
illustrative photo: diploma Author:

Procedure of the recognition of foreign education

Division of Education, Youth and Sport of the Prague City Hall issue according to the Education Act 561/2004 Coll., Sec. 108 (8), about the preschool, primary, secondary, higher and other types of education, in valid reading, a decision to recognise validity of the foreign school report in the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as “nostrification“) or a certificate of recognition of the foreign school report in the Czech Republic.

(1) Legalization of school report and other related documents 

Unless specified otherwise by an international agreement bound upon the Czech Republic, authenticity of signatures and prints of stamps on original foreign school reports and the fact that the school is recognized within the state in which the foreign transcript was issued, must be verified by the relevant representative office of the Czech Republic and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country according to whose legal framework the foreign school report was issued (alternatively can be officially certified by notary within the area of this state).     

Equivalent Certificate – certificate on recognition of equality of the foreign school report in the Czech Republic

If the Czech Republic is bound by an international agreement to recognise a certain foreign school report as equal with the education certificate issued in the Czech Republic, the Regional Authority shall issue a certificate recognising equivalency of a foreign school report  in the Czech Republic – upon the application containing the original of a foreign school report or its officially certified copy. If a foreign school report does not clearly indicate the content and scope of school subjects, the applicant shall submit a framework containing the education in the field in which he/she has attained the relevant level of education. 

(2) Recognition to a Foreign Degree, Diploma or Certificate

If the Czech Republic is not bound by an international agreement to recognise a certain foreign school report as equal with the education certificate issued in the Czech Republic, the Regional Authority shall decide on nostrification upon the application annexed with

a) a certified copy (Czech point, notary) of a foreign school diploma translated by a court appointed interpreter
b) a certified copy (Czech point, notary) of a document proving the content and scope of education completed at a foreign school
c) a document proving that the school concerned is recognised by the country according to whose legal framework the foreign school report was issued as a part of the education system if this is not clearly indicated by the foreign school report
d) proof of payment for administrative charge – 3000,- Crowns
e) proof of address in the Czech Republic (f.e. copy of the passport, lease contract…)

Nostrification examination

If the Regional Authority ascertains, within the nostrification procedure, that the content and scope of education completed in a foreign school differs only partially or the applicant does not satisfy requirements provided for in paragraph 1 – 2  the Regional Authority shall order that the nostrification examination be sat for. The Regional Authority shall also reject the application if the applicant does not pass the nostrification examination.

What you need for recognition of foreign education (summary)

  • a completed application
  • legalized and than officially translated Foreign Degree, Diploma or Certificate into the Czech language, made by a translator listed on the Register of Certified Forensic Experts and Translators of the Czech Republic (or its officially certified copy)
  • legalized and than officially translated document with subjects and hours (content and scope of foreign education) for every particular year of study.
  • power of attorney (above all for underage applicant - younger than 18 years)
  • proof of payment for administrative charge – 3000,- CZK
  • proof of address in the Czech Republic (f.e. copy of the passport, lease contract…)

Note 1: Legalization is required in case that the Czech Republic is not bound by an international agreement.

Note 2: Prague City Hall is authorized locally only for the City of Prague. Applicant should have an address in Prague.

Submission of an Application

Applicant should submit an Application to the Registry (in Czech: PODATELNA) of the Prague City Hall (Jungmannova 29/35, Prague 1 – groundfloor).

Official hours of the registry  MHMP :

Jungmannova 29/35, 110 00 Praha 1,  Mariánské nám. 2, 110 01 Praha 1

  • Monday          8:00 – 18:00
  • Tuesday          8:00 – 15:00
  • Wednesday    8:00 – 18:00
  • Thursday        8:00 – 15:00
  • Friday             8:00 – 11:00


Charge amount for receipt of Application for recognition of foreign education is 3000,- CZK must be paid at the MHMP's cashier desk, Jungmannova 29/35, 110 00 Prague 1

In accordance with the Section 9 of Act no. 67/2022 Sb. on measures in the field of education in connection with the armed conflict in the territory of Ukraine caused by the invasion of Russian troops, a foreigner who has been granted temporary protection in connection with the war in Ukraine or a foreigner who has been granted a visa for a stay over 90 days leave to remain exempts from the application fee for recognition of validity or issuing a certificate of recognition of equivalence of basic, secondary or higher vocational education obtained in a foreign school. This measure is valid from 21 March 2022 until the expiry of Section 9 of Act no. 67/2022 Sb.

Deadline for Processing

After the fulfilment of all requirements the procedure takes 30 – 60 days.

Recognition of foreign education executes Division of Education, Youth and Sport of Prague City Hall, Jungmannova 29/35, Prague 1, 110 00

Counter n. 42

  • Mgr. Martin Fučík, phone: 236 005 214
  • Bc. Lenka Kálalová, phone: 236 005 240
  • Ing. Tomáš Obruba, phone: 236 005 051

Official hours (opening hours):

  • Monday                            8:00 – 18:00
  • Wednesday                       8:00 – 18:00

Application for download

21. May 2024
3. March 2025