Studium památkové ochrany historické architektury a příkladů zapojení moderní architektury do historických částí města
Účastníci: ing. arch. Karel Bíba, ing. arch. Břetislav Cír
Termín: 26. – 30.června 2006
Cíl: Lugano, Locarno, Bellinzona - Švýcarsko
Účel: Studium památkové ochrany historické architektury a příkladů zapojení moderní architektury do historických částí města
Komunikace: němčina, angličtina (bez tlumočníka)
Úhrada: MHMP
Časový průběh cesty:
25. 6. 06 neděle 18.00 odjezd vlakem z Prahy přes Rakousko do Švýcarska
26. 6. 06 pondělí 17.00 příjezd na hotel v Luganu, ubytování (po sedmihodinovém zpoždění vlaku způsobeném poškozenou trolejí na českém území vlivem bouřky)
27. 6. 06 úterý 9.00 – 19.00 informační centrum radnice
- Lugano – prohlídka staveb architekta M. Botty
- 5 Continenti, logements, commerces housing, shops
- Administrative building Ransila I-Edificio amministrativo
- Gottardo Bank (Banca del Gottardo)
- Edificio amministrativo Ransila II
- Ristrutturazione in Piazza Manzoni
- Caimato Administrative Building
- Canopy of the TPL, Bus Terminal
- Lugano – prohlídka rekonstrukcí městské architektury
- Civic Palace
- Congress Palace
28. 6. 06 středa 9.00 – 20.00 Locarno – prohlídka staveb architekta M. Botty
- Nuovo impianto funivia a Cardada
- Locarno – prohlídka rekonstrukcí historické architektury
- Historické centrum města
- Bellinzona - prohlídka staveb architekta M. Botty
- Swisscom Building
- Casa a Daro
- Bellinzona - prohlídka rekonstrukcí historické architektury
- Historické centrum města
- Castello di Montebello
- Castello di Sasso Corbaro
29. 6. 06 čtvrtek 9.00 – 15.00 Lugano – prohlídka staveb architekta M. Botty
- Palazzo Botta (Apartments Building)
- Lugano – prohlídka rekonstrukcí historické architektury
- Santa Maria Di Loreto Church
- San Lorenzo Cathedral
- Santa Maria Degli Angioli Church
- San Rocco Church
- 18.45 odjez vlakem z Lugana
30. 6. 06 pátek 13.00 příjezd vlakem na hlavní nádraží, příchod do práce
Lugano - stavby Maria Botty
- Administrative building Ransila I - Edificio amministrativo
Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland, 1981 to 1985 - Corso Pestalozzi - Gottardo Bank (Banca del Gottardo)
Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland, 1981 to 1985 Corso Pestalozzi - Palazzo Botta (Apartments Building)
Lugano, Switzerland, 1986 to 1990 Via Ciani 15 - 5 Continenti, logements, commerces housing, shops (Edificio residenziale e commerciale)
Lugano, Switzerland, 1986 to 1992 Lugano - Paradiso - Edificio amministrativo Ransila II (Administrative building Ransila II)
Lugano, Switzerland, 1985 to 1991 Corso Pestalozzi - Caimato Administrative Building (Edificio amministrativo Caimato)
Lugano, Switzerland, 1986 to 1993 Via Pietro Capelli and Via Maggio - Ristrutturazione in Piazza Manzoni
Lugano, Switzerland, 1999 Piazza Alessandro Manzoni - Canopy of the TPL, Bus Terminal (Pensilina TPL, Terminal Bus)
Lugano, Switzerland, 2001 to 2002 Corso Pestalozzi
Locarno - stavby Maria Botty
Nuovo impianto funivia a Cardada – Locarno
Cardada - Locarno, Switzerland, 1997 to 2000
Bellinzona - stavby Maria Botty
Swisscom Building (Edificio direzionale Swisscom)
Bellinzona, Ticino, Switzerland, 1988 to 1998Casa a Daro
Daro, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 1990 to 1992 - Architect: Mario Botta
Mario Botta:
Švýcarský architekt Mario Botta, žije v podhůří Alp, v jižním, převážně italském, kantonu Ticino. Ve skromných podmínkách pracoval jako kreslič již od svých 15-ti let. Na základě prvních zkušeností odchází studovat architekturu nejdříve do Milána, poté do Benátek. Ve druhé polovině šedesátých let se ještě jako student setkává na projektech s architekty Le Corbusierem, Louisem Kahnem a Carlem Scarpou. Po ukončení školy Botta začíná stavět především rodinné domy, které vždy vnímal jako samotnou esenci architektonické práce. Každým návrhem nově interpretuje vztah mezi člověkem a okolním prostředím. Uvažuje o kulturních kořenech a identitě člověka. Tvoří prostředí jako svědectví dějin a lidské paměti. Racionální úvahu o prostoru předchází filozofická a společenská analýza ruku v ruce s intuicí. Vědomě pracuje s racionálními i iracionálními aspekty procesu architektonické tvorby. Architektura dle Botty nyní příliš často přebírá jazyk vizuálního umění, módy a reklamy. Některé jeho stavby kombinují pruhy cihlového zdiva střídající se s kamenem, tak jak je můžeme vidět na milánské katedrále nebo na starých domech v jeho rodném Ticinu. Ale nezajímá jej pouze materiál. Bottova architektura pracuje s místem a světlem podobně jako pyramidy či antické chrámy. Čisté geometrické formy, hranol či válec, jsou pečlivě zpracovány a orientovány dle slunce. Kreslení od ruky používá Botta jako nástroj poznání. Skicuje a přitom přemýšlí. Kromě geografické dispozice postupně proniká do sféry historie místa, jeho paměti a místní kultury.Vítězí hned v několika soutěžích na kostely a synagogy, dále realizuje administrativní budovy, školy nebo banky. Typickou stavbou dnešní doby je ale pro Bottu muzeum. Sebevědomé civilizace podle něj neměly potřebu obracet se k minulosti, avšak dnešní společnost, ve snaze zachránit zlomky vyšších hodnot, buduje stovky muzeí, jako míst nové spirituality. Architekt v tomto duchu realizuje v polovině devadesátých let například Muzeum moderního umění v San Franciscu, ve své době největší instituci současného umění na americkém Západě.
1943 1.dubna se narodil v Mendrisiu (kanton Ticino, Švýcarsko)
1949-1958 navštěvoval základní školu v Genestreriu a 2. stupeň v Mendrisiu
1958-1961 učeň v architektonickém studiu v Carloni a Camenisch v Luganu
1961-1964 studoval Liceo artistico v Miláně
1964-1969 studie na Instituto universitario di Archittetura (IUAV) v Benátkách
1965 získal četné zkušenosti ve studiu Le Corbusiera v Paříži. Pracoval na projektu nové nemocnice v Benátkách s Julianem de la Fuente a Josém Oubrerie.
1969 setkal se s Louisem Kahnem v Benátkách a spolupracoval s ním na výstavě projektu nového Palazza die Congressi. Získal diplom IUAV v Benátkách, jeho diplomovou práci vedli Carlo Scarpa a Giuseppe Mazzariol. Začal svou kariéru otevřením studia v Luganu.
1976 vedl kurs na Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale v Lausanna jako hostující profesor
1982-1987 stal se členem Swiss Federal Commission for the Fine Arts
1983 čestný člen BDA (Bund Deutscher Architekten)
1984 jmenován čestným členem American Institute of Architects
1985 obdržel Beton architectural prize v Curychu
1986 obdržel Chicago Architecture Award. Výstava v Museum of Modern Art v New Yorku.
1987 vedl kurs na Yale School of Architecture v New Havenu, Connecticut
obdržel Baksteen Award od Royal Dutch Brick Organization a CICA prize (Comité International des Critiques d'Architecture) během Mezinárodního Biennále v Buenos Aires. Jmenován čestným profesorem na Escuela de Altos Estudios del CAYC of Buenos Aires.
1991 zástupce Švýcarska v Académie d'Architecture v Paříži. Obdržel nejvyšší cenu od Fondazione Iside e Cesare Lavezzari of Chiasso.
Realizace a projekty
- Kaple sv. Marie Andělské na hoře Tamaro, Ticino, 1997
- Banque Bruxelles Lambert, Ženeva, 1995
- Tinguelly-Museum, Basilej, 1995-96
- Galerie Watari-Um, Tokio, 1993
- centro culturale polivalente, Varese, 1990
- SF Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, 1990-94
- rodinný dům, Manno, 1989-90
- rodinný dům, Morbio Inferiore, 1989
- Casa del libro, 1988
- Espace Culturel André Malraux, Chambéry, 1987
- park u Lützowplatz, Berlín, 1987
- Maison Du Livre, Villeurbanne, 1987
- obchodní dům Ransilia, Lugano, 1984-85
- přestavba skalních sklepů, Vico Morcote, 1984
- rodinný dům, Carnago, 1983
- rodinný dům, Breganzona, 1983-87
- rodinný dům, Morbio Superiore, 1983-84
- Banca del Gottardo, Lugano, 1982-87
- rodinný dům, Viganello, 1982
- rodinný dům, Massagno, 1981
- Casa Rotonda Haus Medici, Stabio, 1980-82
- přestavba vinného sklepa a stáje, Ligrignano, 1979
- průmyslová budova, Balerna, 1979
- rodinný dům, Pregassona, 1979
- knihovna kapucínského kláštera a obnova klášterního kostela, Lugano, 1979-82
- tělocvična, Balerna, 1978
- rozšíření nádraží, Curych, 1978
- Státní banka, Fribourg, 1977-82
- rodinný dům, Ligornetto, 1975-76
- Scuola media cantonale, Morbio Inferiore, 1972-77
- Haus Bianchi, Riva San Vitale, 1971-73
- rodinný dům ve Stabiu, Stabio, 1967
Lugano - historická architektura
Address: Museo d'arte moderna, Villa Malpensata, Riva Caccia 5, CH - 6900 Lugano
The Museum of modern art is concerned only with art of the 20th century and has a particular interest in expressionism. Of great interest to the Museum are artists of remarkable personality, whose works were focused on the human condition. Thus many of the works in the Museum contain an element of humanitarianism, exemplifying the apprehension and anxiety of the times. 1992 was a year of significant importance for the exhibiting activity of the Museum. After being closed for two years due to renovation, the Museum reopened with an exhibition dedicated to Thomas Hart Benton. The year after the Museum followed a retrospective exhibition of Francis Bacon. Since then, many other important exhibitions have been curated by the Museum such as Nolde (1994), Soutine (1995), Permeke (1996), Roualt (1997), Munch (1998), Modigliani (1999), Kirchner (2000), Chagall (2001), Schiele (2003) and Basquiat (2005). The choice of these artists testifies the careful attention paid by the Museum to all great exponents of modern painting.
Address: Piazza Loreto
The church dates back to 1524, but was not a Catholic church until 1904. It was renovated in 1907 by the City of Lugano that wanted to create an adequate place for people to come together for worship. The church features a painted baroque portico, which creates a lively façade on the church. The façade is joined to the Franciscan monastery. Many features before renovation still exist, such as the interior stucco, which dates back to the late Renaissance period and were made by the architect Antonio Somazzi. The church also features a chapel, which is a delightful replica of the Loreto Saint House in Ancona and was built in 1728. The statues throughout the church are in excellent condition having been restored by Antonio Quadri. Finally, a very interesting feature of the church is a cemetery in the church grounds, which was used for non-Catholics during the 19th century.
Address: Piazza Luini
The Santa Maria degli Angioli church is one of the most important buildings in Lugano. The church was once united to the “Followers of the Saint Francis rule Fathers” monastery, then, from 1602, to the “Reformed Fathers from Milan”. Building started in 1499 and it was finished the year after. However, it was consecrated in 1515. Although the most beautiful example of architecture is without doubt the façade of the San Lorenzo Cathedral, the Santa Maria degli Angioli church hosts important frescos painted by masters of the Renaissance. Its architecture is quite simple with the only decorative feature being the rose window. Inside the church you can admire “The Crucifixion of Christ” painted by Bernardino Luini who was a disciple of Leonardo. However, the proudest treasures of the church are “The Last Supper” and “The Madonna with child”, both painted by Luini.
Address: Via Borghetto
The Cathedral is believed to be very old. Some writings that date from 875 talk about a church “Sancti Laurentii in Lugano”. In the second half of the 15th century Gothic vaults were built instead of the wooden ceiling. In 1517 the beautiful Renaissance façade was finished. As time went by, the side chapels and the chancel were opened. A few elements of the original building still remaining and are of great historical importance as the history of the building goes back over 1000 years. A historian and expert of Italian Renaissance once said about the San Lorenzo Cathedral that “Lugano has such an amazing cathedral that could be envied by many Italian cities”.
Address: Piazza della Riforma
The Civic Palace was built in 1844 in order to offer a worthy residence to the Cantonal government. The building was designed by the architect Giacomo Moraglia from Milan (1791-1861). It was at that time a considerable investment that led to huge sacrifices made by the citizens. In 1845 the building was ready to become the residence of the Cantonal government for the second turn of “Lugano as the Capital”. The constitution of 1814 made the three cities of Lugano, Locarno and Bellinzona alternatively every six years the capital. When the building was not the residence of the Government, it was used as a hotel. In 1890, it became the home of the Municipal assembly, the Town Council and Administration. In the 80s the building was completely renovated by the architect Gianfranco Rossi.
Address: Piazza San Rocco
The church is located in the centre of Lugano and is within close distance to the Cantonal art museum. The church has a very old and fascinating history. The original church was built in 1349 and it was dedicated to Saint Biagio. However, during the 15th century the City of Lugano, which at that time was only a village, passed through two plagues, the first between 1512-1527, the next in 1528. After these terrible tragedies, the people of Lugano requested that the church be rebuilt in an attempt to put the past behind them. This request was granted in 1528 and the church was symbolically renamed the Saint Rocco church after the Saint Rocco as he was believed to be able to keep away plagues. Interestingly, the church was also built with possibility of being used as a leprosy hospital. The façade was remodelled and now has a neo-baroque façade dating from 1909. There are frescos on the nave, which are from the 17th century, and there are also frescos on the vault, which were painted by Carlo Carloni in 1760. The stuccos on the presbytery were made by Giacomo Neuroni e Nicolao Carcano in 1684 whereas the stuccos found on the choir were made by Muzio Camuzzi, Giuseppe Taddei in 1759. The church is currently under restoration.
Address: Palazzo dei congressi
The Congress palace represents today an important point of reference within the City's cultural activities, giving the City economic, cultural, scientific and tourism benefits. The Palace along with its large calendar of activities has enriched the City by developing its resources to an international level. The Congress palace was opened only 25 years ago, but has since become inadequate for the needs of the sector. Therefore the City is considering to build a new centre for congressi.
Bellinzona - historická architektura
Bellinzona was once the gateway to the Alps from the south and Italy from the north. As the present capital of Canton Ticino, Bellinzona is a bustling city that prides itself in its rich heritage. An important cultural crossroad between the Latin and Teutonic world, Bellinzona is indeed a charming place to visit. Everything about the place reflects an old worldly charm that is hard to ignore. Three majestic castles dating back to the Middle Ages depict Bellinzona's rich history at its best. They are the Castelgrande, Castello di Montebello and the Castello di Sasso Corbaro. The three castles and fortifications of the market town of Bellinzona, in the Swiss canton of Ticino, have been named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Castillo de Montebello was built circa 1300 and later connected to the city's defenses via walls. The fortress served as part of the city's defenses for many years, until falling into neglect in the early 1400s. When walking around the castle, look for what looks like lines of red brick embedded into the walls; these indicate where the first series of extensions and renovations (1462-1490) started from. The workmanship of the late 15th century gave the castle its shape as can be seen today. Today, the castle is among the best surviving examples of Swiss medieval military architecture and is an UNESCO World Heritage site. Entering the castle via the functional drawbridge, you first pass into the fortified barbican before continuing over another drawbridge and into the main fortress. It is possible to holes in the walls in the towers built into the outer walls; when this castle was active, there would have been wooden floors and bunkhouses there. At the western end of the inner fortress, you will find stairs that allow you to climb onto the outer wall. Be careful; the rocks can be slippery in wet weather, and only a single bar protects you if you put your foot through the machicolation. However, there are lovely views from here, as well as some very photogenic angles to view the inner keep. Within the inner keep, you will find the Civic Museum, which houses a good-sized collection of archaeological finds from sites around Ticino, including prehistoric and Roman artifacts. The oldest relics are found at the bottom of the tower, and as you climb, you move forward in time. One item of particular historical note is that the best castles were built over their own water source. Montebello has a well within the keep that even today provides an excellent aquifer - so good, in fact, that it must sometimes be pumped out to prevent overflowing. If you are a Renaissance Faire buff, perhaps you will want to time your visit to coincide with La Spada Nella Rocca - "The Sword in the Fortress" - a 3-day celebration held each June, next slated to be June 2-4, 2006, and one of the largest ren faire celebrations in Europe. This is an extremely popular attraction in Bellinzona, and one that is celebrated not only in the castle but in the town as well.
Castelgrande (or Castle of Uri, or San Michele) is the oldest and largest of the three castles. Built in 1280, it was recently refurbished by renowned Swiss architect Aurelio Galfetti and offers walks on the ramparts, a permanent art collection and high-end restaurant. In the summer there are open-air operas in the courtyard. Ten years ago a lift was inconspicuously installed in the rock to take lazy tourists, like myself, from the bottom edge of the town to the castle’s ramparts, where one can then make the easy climb to the top of the tower for the magnificent view and leisurely stroll back down on foot, resting here and there to take in the scenery. Castel Grande is today used for training the Swiss Guard, who are the papal soldiers of the Vatican. On April 7, 2006, members of the Swiss Guard began a ceremonial march from Switzerland to Rome, retracing the route followed by the original members of the Vatican corps when they were recruited by Pope Julius II in 1506. They will arrive in Rome for the annual ceremonies at which new recruits are sworn in to the Swiss Guard at the Vatican on May 6. The Vatican military unit celebrates May 6 as the anniversary of the day when 147 members of the Swiss Guard died in a successful defense of the Pope during the sack of Rome in 1527. The two stamps shown below are forerunners for a joint issue between Switzerland and the Vatican, scheduled for April 2006, commemorating the Swiss Guard's 500th anniversary as the Papal Guards.
Sasso Corbaro, or Castle of Unterwald, was built in 1479 and has the finest view of Bellinzona from its terrace, where one can see the lower valley of Ticino as well as Lake Maggiore.
Závěrem lze konstatovat, že i moderní stavby lze implantovat do centra města aniž by došlo k narušení dané městské struktury, jeho urbanizmu, uličního panoramatu ale hlavně charakteru zástavby v dané lokalitě. Takovým příkladem jsou např. mnohé stavby architekta Maria Botty. Prostředky, které k tomu používá jsou poměrně jednoduché a to zejména respektování měřítka, uliční čáry, výškové hladiny okolní zástavby a použití jednoduchých materiálů, mezi něž nejčastěji patří použití kamenných obkladů nebo různých cihelných pásků a tvarovek na plášť objektu. Rovněž barevná střízlivost podržená jednoduchostí pláště objektu, zejména u staveb které svým tvarem jsou netypické pro cenrum města, přispívá k přirozenému začlenění nových staveb do okolního prostředí. U staveb historických a staveb církevních je restaurování a rekonstrukce prováděna s pietou, se zřetelem na respektování historie stavby, stavebních mateiálů a postupů, s tím že nové zásahy jsou prováděny jenom v omezené míře. Zajímavým poznatkem také bylo minimální použití reklamy v centu města. Pokud je tato reklama realizována, tak převážně v omezeném měřítku a kultivovanou formou. Nedochází tak k situacím, kdy např. celý dům je zakryt nevkusnou reklamou jak je tomu běžné v České republice.