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Celkem záznamů: 20426

30.4.2024 — 1. 5. 2004 –1. 5. 202420 let v EU Years in the EU 20 let v EU Years in the EU 1. 5. 2004 –1. 5. 2024 Česká republika a EU Czech Republic and the EU 1996 2002 2007 2009 2022 1. 5. 1...

rok 2020 Hosté a přenocování

18.3.2021 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2020 1. QUARTER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH country...

rok 2020 Hosté a přenocování

18.3.2021 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2020 1. QUARTER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH country...

Guests and Overnight stays 3.Q 2019

15.1.2020 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2019 1. QUARTER 2019 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 MARCH...

Guests and Overnight stays 3.Q 2019

15.1.2020 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2019 1. QUARTER 2019 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 MARCH...

Guests and Overnight stays 3.Q 2019

15.1.2020 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2019 1. QUARTER 2019 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 MARCH...

2020 1-3.Q hosté a přenocování AJ

31.12.2020 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2020 1. QUARTER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH country...

2020 1-3.Q hosté a přenocování AJ

31.12.2020 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2020 1. QUARTER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH country...

UNITES (UrbaN InTEgration Strategies through co-design)

3.6.2024 — UNITES (UrbaN InTEgration Strategies through co-design) Městské granty Evropské dotace Sdílet Facebook Linked In X Gesční odbor: Odbor kultury a cestovního ruchu Celkový rozpočet: 1 236 026, 93 Kč...

2019 2.Q Hosté a přenocování AJ

9.9.2019 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2019 1. QUARTER 2019 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 MARCH...

2019 2.Q Hosté a přenocování AJ

9.9.2019 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2019 1. QUARTER 2019 JANUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 2019 MARCH...

2020 Q2 guests and overnights

12.8.2020 — List1 Number of guests and overnight stays in collective accommodation establishments by country in Capital Prague in 2020 1. QUARTER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH country...