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Do zoo za mláďaty

26.6.2024 — Na poslední tři červnové dny připravila pražská zoologická zahrada pro malé i velké návštěvníky zábavnou kvízovou stezku napříč areálem.

Císařský Island and Troja reconnected by pedestrian bridge

30.10.2020 — The districts of Prague 7 and Prague-Troja are connected by a new pedestrian bridge three years after the disastrous collapse of the Troja Pedestrian Bridge. The bridge will serve not only pedestrians, cyclists and people on inline skates, but also the Integrated Rescue System vehicles shall the need arise. The total cost of the construction was 150 million CZK, and the construction took less than one year.

Prahu čeká příští rok mistrovství Evropy ve fotbale hráčů do 21 let

23.10.2014 — ČRo Regina | 23.10.2014 | 13:00 | Pořad: Události dne | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Lukáš Manhart

Enjoy the quarantine with online tours and entertainment

23.3.2020 — Due to the coronavirus pandemic, you do not currently have the opportunity to visit exhibitions and museums in the Czech capital; however, you can still enjoy online tours and art from the comfort of your own home. For example, the City of Prague Museum is offering online exhibitions and tutorials for children.

Prague Botanical Garden offers new wine and a book about St. Claire’s Vineyard

29.6.2019 — This year, Prague Botanical Garden in Troja is celebrating its 50th anniversary. As part of the year-long celebrations, a new collection of wine, Cuvée Natalis, and a book about the vineyard, 'Vinice sv. Kláry 365', are now available to visitors.

Prague Planetarium offers new adventure for explorers of all ages

11.7.2020 — When making your plans for the summer, be sure to include Prague Planetarium on your schedule. You will be able to enjoy new shows and see the stars, as well as virtually visit the surface of Venus, among other places. Prague Planetarium is one of the largest planetariums in the world, and the only one of its kind in the Czech Republic. The main hall, Cosmorama, is 23.5 metres wide and its dome reaches a height of 15 metres, and it seats 210 spectators.

Dance season on Střelecký Island is here!

29.6.2020 — Střelecký Island ('Střelecký ostrov' or simply 'Střelák' to the locals) in the heart of Prague not only offers scenic views of Charles Bridge and Prague Castle, and romantic walks in the shade of mature trees, but has also become a place for free outdoor public dancing in recent years. Many dance programmes and workshops take place on a pontoon that has been anchored to the island for several years, offering an additional stage and dance floor. Dancing is a pleasant social activity, as well as a manifestation of emotions. It is an art form, which brings the pleasure of moving to music to everyone, both spectators and dancers, whether they dance alone, in pairs or in groups.

Muzeum paměti XX. století vstupuje do pátého roku své existence rekonstrukcí Domu pážat

23.1.2024 — Ve druhé polovině ledna 2024 bude zahájena dlouho připravovaná proměna Domu pážat na rozhraní Nového světa a Hradčan v sídle Muzea paměti XX. století, kde bude také umístěna stálá expozice. Přesně za rok by měla být rekonstrukce hotova.

31. ročník Memoriálu Josefa Odložila

30.5.2024 — V pondělí 3. června 2024 přivítá pražský stadion Juliska již 31. ročník Memoriálu Josefa Odložila.

Prague Invites Spectators Back into Theatres Through Virtual Reality

31.3.2021 — Prague City Hall, together with the Brainz Studios creative group, has today presented the globally unique service called Brejlando. It will offer experimental theatre experiences to its spectators in virtual reality (VR). With the help of state-of-the-art technologies and borrowed VR glasses, everyone can immerse in watching selected performances from Prague theatres from the comfort of their homes, as well as from a completely new angle - right from the stage, in close vicinity to the actors. The service is intended to help theatres and their fans overcome these difficult times of limited operation. However, at the same time, the initiators believe that they are establishing a new international trend that can become a permanent part of the theatres' offer.