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Celkem záznamů: 5263
The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre is one of the centrepieces of the Petřín Park

20.1.2019 — The long-neglected ecclesiastical building was completely restored under the supervision of the state heritage preservation boards.

Strongest Czech team to face Swiss in Fed Cup 1st round

1.2.2018 — The strongest possible Czech team, Karolina Pliskova, Barbora Strycova, Petra Kvitova and Lucie Safarova, will appear in the Fed Cup 1st round battle to be held in Prague next week, in which their rivals will be the Swiss.

Best pole dancing show coming soon!

16.2.2020 — Come to appreciate and support the best pole dance contestants who have made their way through the individual rounds of Battle League 2019 to the elite final of the competition. Pole Battle Championship will take place on the 22nd of February in the sports hall TJ Sokol Královské Vinohrady.

Praha odměnila výherce kvízu Kraje pro bezpečný internet

24.6.2021 — Radní hl. m. Prahy pro oblast školství Vít Šimral společně s ředitelem odboru informatických aplikací Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy Milanem Krchem odměnili nejlepší účastníky krajského kola kvízu Kraje pro bezpečný internet. Do sedmého ročníku krajského kola soutěžního kvízu se v Praze přihlásilo přes 2 000 žáků a téměř 1 800 jich ho úspěšně dokončilo.

How the time passed in Vyšehrad

18.3.2019 — Do you know when people first settled in Vyšehrad, and how its appearance changed over time? The exhibition in Vyšehrad's Gothic Cellar will introduce you to the history of this unique place.

Surface water

25.7.2005 —

Chtějí se mě zbavit, přestože jsem Praze ušetřila 600 milionů, říká radní z TOP 09

10.12.2013 — iHNed.cz | 10.12.2013 | Rubrika: zpravy.ihned.cz | Strana: 0 | Autor: Petr Koděra | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Eva Vorlíčková

Nordic Short Film festival: original and sincere

6.6.2019 — From the 4th to the 13th of June, Evald Cinema is hosting the second annual Nordic Short Film festival. The festival presents serious themes, as well as films full of humour and nostalgia, and it also gives an insight into the extraordinary lives of the Icelanders.

Come and enjoy an incredible performance with special effects

17.6.2020 — On the 19th of June, the 'RESET: zpátky na scénu' ('RESET: Back on Stage') multimedia show will bring an unprecedented combination of stage elements and special effects to the darkened Křižík's Pavilion B at Prague Exhibition Grounds (Výstaviště Praha). After a long break, the Pyroterra art group will bring the pavilion to life with their spectacular show!

360 stupňů Michala Půra

29.6.2022 — 28. 6. 2022, Televize, TV Prima - další pořady, Prima televize, FTV Prima, spol. s r.o., Zdeněk Hřib

Alarming exhibition in Prague Zoo

31.1.2020 — The Stolen Wildlife' ('Ukradená divočina') exhibition was originally created for Ostrava Zoo. After being displayed in Hodonín Zoo, it has now arrived in Prague Zoo, where it can be seen in front of the Education Centre.