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Celkem záznamů: 39285
Develop your creativity in the Troja Château art workshop

30.7.2020 — Prague City Gallery's Eco-Studio in the Troja Château Orangery is offering summer art workshops to the public that will run during July and August. The eco-studio is an ideal place for art-lovers and creative people to develop their skills and reflect on fine art in the beautiful surroundings of one of Prague's most sought-after tourist attractions. The full-day art workshops, which take place throughout the summer holidays, offer meaningful leisure activities in the form of creative work.

One hundred important personalities have planted trees on the trail in the Botanical Garden

31.12.2019 — For the past ten years, Prague Botanical Garden has been running a unique project called 'Kořeny osobností' (Roots of Personalities), where important public figures plant a rare tree on 'Stezka osobností' (Trail of Personalities). The hundredth tree has recently been planted.

Czech singer Tereza Krippnerová will sing songs of the jazz legend Nina Simone at the Reduta Jazz Club

23.1.2020 — On the 25th of January, Reduta Jazz Club in Prague will host a concert of the Czech singer Tereza Krippnerová, who will sing music of the American singer, pianist and author Nina Simone. The concert will be part of the concert series 'Tribute to World Legends', which reminds audiences attending concerts at the Reduta Jazz Club of outstanding personalities of international jazz. This time, the evening will belong to the legacy of Nina Simone.

Conclude your summer holidays at the Karlín family festival

28.8.2020 — Karlínské Square will be full of children on the 30th of August for the family festival that will take place there, offering children's attractions, good food and cultural activities. As part of the Karlín Family Festival, farmers will offer their products in stalls, children can take part in workshops and the whole family can enjoy musical performances. The Karlín Family Festival is a simple and ideal way to conclude summer in Prague.

Polish film festival in Bio Oko cinema in Prague

20.11.2019 — From the 21st to the 24th of November, Bio Oko cinema in Letná in Prague will be a meeting place for lovers of Polish cinema. The 'Bardzo fajný' festival will not only offer new Polish movies, but also literary discussions, and food tasting of Polish delicacies.

Celebrate the joy of Christmas with the Bruncvík Boys’ Choir

10.12.2019 — Leave the hustle and bustle of Christmas behind you and enjoy the wonderful sounds of the Bruncvík choir. The ensemble's rich repertoire and high-quality performances will definitely surprise you. Their concerts will take place on the 11th of December at Wenceslas Square and on the 15th of December in Hlahol on the Masaryk Embankment in Prague.

Pražské studánky - Pod Babou

25.6.2009 — Další z aktualizovaných popisů v rámci vytvářené internetové aplikace Pražské studánky.

Pražské studánky - Pod Šancemi

31.7.2009 — Další z aktualizovaných popisů v rámci vytvářené internetové aplikace Pražské studánky.

Praha stihne v létě opravit řadu komunikací

21.6.2017 — Hlavní město čeká letos v létě opět řada dopravních opatření souvisejících s rekonstrukcemi tramvajových tratí, komunikací a opravami inženýrských sítí. Do období červenec – srpen, kdy je menší intenzita provozu a nižší přepravní nároky, se Praha snaží soustředit opravy a rekonstrukce se zásadním dopadem na dopravu. Nevyhnutelné opravy budou probíhat i v metru, týden bude mimo provoz část „céčka“ a začne rekonstrukce nástupiště stanice Muzeum na lince A.

Praha schválila nová pravidla pro plakátovací plochy, plakátovací sloupy dostanou novou podobu

15.4.2024 — Rada hl. m. Prahy v pondělí schválila nová pravidla pro plakátovací plochy na nemovitostech ve vlastnictví hlavního města.