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Celkem záznamů: 4072
Finanční příspěvky města pro sportovní akce v roce 2010

16.3.2010 — Městská rada dnes schválila přidělení finančních prostředků v celkové výši 9 740 000 korun na podporu sportovních akcí v roce 2010. Z této částky hl. m. Praha v rámci partnerství přispěje na pořádání dvaceti významných sportovních akcí.

Praha zaplatí přípravu nových cyklostezek, na severovýchodě města vznikne systém cest propojený s centrem metropole

9.9.2019 — Pražští radní podpořili financování projektové přípravy a částečnou realizaci cest pro cyklisty a pěší na severovýchodě Prahy. Městské části Praha 14, Praha 18, Praha 19, Praha 20, Praha-Čakovice, Praha-Satalice a Praha-Vinoř vyprojektují, jak jednoduchými úpravami polních cest a cest třetí třídy propojit stávající cyklostezky v ucelený a komplexní systém cest nejen pro kola.

Praha zaplatí přípravu nových cyklostezek, na severovýchodě města vznikne systém cest propojený s centrem metropole

9.9.2019 — Pražští radní podpořili financování projektové přípravy a částečnou realizaci cest pro cyklisty a pěší na severovýchodě Prahy. Městské části Praha 14, Praha 18, Praha 19, Praha 20, Praha-Čakovice, Praha-Satalice a Praha-Vinoř vyprojektují, jak jednoduchými úpravami polních cest a cest třetí třídy propojit stávající cyklostezky v ucelený a komplexní systém cest nejen pro kola.

Mayors of the V4 capitals extended congratulations to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel

15.7.2020 — The mayors of the V4 capitals have signed an open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in which they extended their congratulations to Germany's Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Mayors have also expressed their commitment to the European Green Deal and the need for significantly increased direct green urban funding in the EU's next Multiannual Financial Framework.

Prague Spring presents: Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival 2019

15.11.2019 — Five excellent pianists will take part in the seventh annual Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival, which will take place between the 17th and the 23rd of November. This year, festival goers can once again look forward to an extraordinary music experience.

The "100 Years - 534 Artists" Exhibition will present unreleased stamps from famous authors

18.12.2018 — Until next March, an exhibition will take place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Postal Museum, where the postage stamps from 1918 - 2018 will be presented. Visitors will also see the unveiled and less known proposals.

Vítkov exhibition commemorates the journey to Latvian independence

23.9.2020 — The National Memorial on the Vítkov Hill hosts an exhibition 'We want to be free, we will be free!', which is dedicated to the establishment of the independent State of Latvia. The exhibition will be open in the Ceremonial Hall until the 4th of October.

First World War photography exhibition in Invalidovna

19.8.2019 — The exhibition, entitled 'Jenda Rajman's Camera' ('Fotoaparátem Jendy Rajmana'), that is on in Invalidovna, Prague, documents Czech participation on the Italian front during the First World War.

Advent and Christmas preparations in Prague Zoo

30.11.2019 — The Christmas tree in Prague Zoo will officially be lit up on Sunday, the 1st of December. Advent in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to producing presents for the animals.

Dance season on Střelecký Island is here!

29.6.2020 — Střelecký Island ('Střelecký ostrov' or simply 'Střelák' to the locals) in the heart of Prague not only offers scenic views of Charles Bridge and Prague Castle, and romantic walks in the shade of mature trees, but has also become a place for free outdoor public dancing in recent years. Many dance programmes and workshops take place on a pontoon that has been anchored to the island for several years, offering an additional stage and dance floor. Dancing is a pleasant social activity, as well as a manifestation of emotions. It is an art form, which brings the pleasure of moving to music to everyone, both spectators and dancers, whether they dance alone, in pairs or in groups.

The "100 Years - 534 Artists" Exhibition will present unreleased stamps from famous authors

18.12.2018 — Until next March, an exhibition will take place on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Postal Museum, where the postage stamps from 1918 - 2018 will be presented. Visitors will also see the unveiled and less known proposals.

Filmasia Festival to be filled with Hong Kong action movies

4.12.2019 — From the 5th to the 8th of December, Lucerna and Ponrepo cinemas in Prague will offer audiences a large selection of Asian action films full of martial arts during the new annual Filmasia festival. The festival is entering its fifteenth season this year. It has brought great Asian films to Prague since 2005.