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Celkem záznamů: 4072
Jako lékař nemohu poslouchat ty bludy

13.8.2011 — Mladá fronta DNES | 13.8.2011 | rubrika: Sobotní rozhovor | strana: 12

Petr Dolínek: Státu děláme support

20.9.2016 — euro.e15.cz | 20.9.2016 | Rubrika: Praha | Strana: 0 | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Petr Dolínek

This year's Febiofest will be packed with great movies

21.3.2019 — Febiofest, Prague's biggest film festival, is about to start in the Czech capital. This year's 26th annual festival will once again please the hearts and souls of all visitors with a selection of the most interesting films from the Czech Republic and abroad. In just over a quarter of a century, the festival has become a true landmark of Prague's cultural scene.