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Celkem záznamů: 32915
Take a tour of the most precious medieval town house in Prague

28.12.2019 — Prague City Gallery has prepared another guided tour of the Stone Bell House, one of the gallery's buildings, towards the end of 2019. Members of the public can view the historical interior of one of Prague's most valuable Gothic buildings on the 29th of December 2019.

Railway Transport

21.6.2008 — Prague is one of the most important hubs of railway transport in the Czech Republic for long-distance journeys and for suburban transport. Recent investments in this ecological means of transport aim to enhance its influence within the city and suburban public transport.

‘Animal Days’ in Prague Zoo

15.1.2020 — The year 2020 in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to the 'Animal Days' project. The zoo will focus on a different species every month. January is for zebras!

Christmas in Náprstek Museum

14.12.2019 — Once again, the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague will host their popular Christmas event for the whole family, 'Vánoce u Halánků' (Christmas in Halánků). The event will take place on the 15th of December.

TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: Sculpture Grande již popáté ovládne metropoli

20.7.2007 — 5. ročník Mezinárodního festivalu Sculpture Grande 07 v Praze

Pražané projevili velký zájem o novoroční zvýhodněné vstupné do zoo, botanické zahrady, Muzea MHD i do historických věží

3.1.2024 — Hlavní město připravilo novoroční překvapení pro své obyvatele, kdy měli příležitost po celý první lednový den roku 2024 využít zvýhodněné vstupy na oblíbená místa v metropoli, která spravují městské organizace. A podle aktuálního vyhodnocení byl zájem Pražanů o akci značný. Jen do Zoo Praha přišlo téměř 13 500 lidí, přes tři tisíce jich dorazilo do botanické zahrady v Troji a další tisíce zamířily do střešovického Muzea MHD a pražských věží.

Kamil Lhoták – Retrospective

14.2.2018 — The Retro Gallery in Prague´s Municipal House prepared the largest retrospective exhibition of Kamil Lhoták´s paintings. They present her painter's work on a wide range of motifs and styles.

Tenth annual Lunchmeat Festival in Prague

29.9.2019 — Lunchmeat Festival, an annual international festival dedicated to advanced electronic music and new media art, will take place between the 30th of September and the 5th of October. This year, the tenth annual audio-visual festival will take place in four venues.

Prague Castle displays newly purchased paintings by Kamil Lhoták

11.2.2019 — For almost 11 million CZK, Prague Castle Administration bought two paintings by the well-known Czech painter Kamil Lhoták (1912-1990). The paintings will be exhibited at the Picture Gallery at the 2nd Courtyard of Prague Castle until February 28th.

Outdoor photo exhibition captures the beauty and ugliness of Wenceslas Square

31.10.2020 — 'Dvě tváře Prahy', meaning Two Faces of Prague, is a competition in which the participating photographers capture either the positive or the negative aspects of Prague. An outdoor exhibition of 23 winning photographs on large panels can be seen until the 5th of November in the pedestrian zone of Na Příkopě Street. The theme of 'Dvě tváře Prahy 2020' was Wenceslas Square and the surrounding area, and all types of photographers took part: adults, young people, children, keen amateurs and professionals. A total of 720 images were sent to the competition, the most in its eleven-year history.

The Italian Cultural Institute in Prague documents the transformation of the Italian landscape

7.4.2019 — Until the 3rd of May 2019, in the Baroque Chapel of the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague, you will have the opportunity to visit a photographic exhibition of the most renowned Italian photographers documenting the Italian landscape and its development from the 1950s to date.