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Celkem záznamů: 28545
Statistics 2017

21.5.2015 — Statistics 2017

Prague City Council

19.11.2018 — Prague City Council has 11 members and is elected by Prague City Assembly. Its members are the Mayor of Prague, 4 Deputy Mayors of Prague and 6 Councillors. Meetings are held every Tuesday (or other days when needed) and are not public. Every citizen has the right to consult the minutes from the meetings. The Council is accountable for its actions to the Assembly.

Statistics 2015

21.5.2015 —

Premiéra hudební inscenace VELVET HAVEL z autorské dílny Miloš Orsona Štědroně v režii Jana Friče

29.4.2014 — Premiéra se uskuteční tento pátek (2. května 2014) a sobotu (3. května 2014).