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Celkem záznamů: 21121
3156545_Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Prague, 2017

27.8.2020 — CAPITAL CITY OF PRAGUE CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION STRATEGY Cover photo Václav Hykeš Introduction 4 1. Observed and projected climate change effects in Prague 6 2. Assessment of...


7.2.2014 — PKF – Prague Philharmonia vás zve na své koncerty Prodej vstupenek v kanceláři PKF, Husova 7, tel. 224 267 644, e-mail: vstupenky@pkf.cz nebo on-line na www.pkf.cz Karlheinz Stockhausen Úterý...


22.3.2009 — Prague Spring and the project Martinů Revisited Tomorrow and Friday night, the Czech Philharmonic will perform a concert version of fragments from the opera Julietta by Bohuslav Martinů under...

3034150_Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Prague, 2017

2.10.2019 — 1 Capital City of Prague Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Aim Reducing vulnerability of the Capital City of Prague, the Czech Republic, to climate change effects aiming...


12.12.2023 — Prague, City of Culture 4 5 PRAGUE, CITY OF CULTURE Contents Introduction 6 Cultural Organizations Funded by the City of Prague 8 Subsidies by the City of Prague to Independent Cultural...

Implementation plan 2020–2024 Climate change adaptation strategy Capital City of Prague (pdf )

7.12.2020 — IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2020–2024 CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION STRATEGY CAPITAL CITY OF PRAGUE STRATEGIE ADAPTACE HL. M. PRAHY NA Implementation Plan 2020 – 2024 was formulated and written by: ...

TK: Rozšíření Prague FutureCity o Metropolitní plán hl. m. Prahy

20.4.2022 — HLAVNÍ MĚSTO PRAHA MAGISTRÁT HLAVNÍHO MĚSTA PRAHY Odbor médií a marketingu Oddělení médií Mediacentrum Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy E-mail: mediacentrum@praha.eu Tiskovou zprávu...