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Celkem záznamů: 8316
Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences Open Day

15.10.2019 — On the 16th of October, the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences will hold an Open Day. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the academy's historic building in Vinohrady in Prague, built in the 1920s by the Czech architect Josef Gočár, and learn about the history of the academy. The open day is part of the academy's 95th anniversary celebrations.

Pražský Ethnofest opět představil umělce z různých koutů světa

30.9.2010 — V pražském Lucerna Music Baru se konal již 3. ročník Pražského Ethnofestu. Zahájil jej primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém a spolu s ním publikum přivítal organizátor festivalu Petr Žantovský a za Nadaci Rádia Impuls Kateřina Bémová.

OFENBACH In Prague - French DJs and producers will perform in Prague on 26th of September 2019 in the club Roxy.

25.9.2019 — Ofenbach are well know for their tracks like Be Mine, Katchi or Paradise. They are preparing a special show for Prague. Tickets for the event can be bought in GoOut and Ticketportal.

Show jumping competitions return to Velká Chuchle Racecourse

2.5.2019 — Velká Chuchle Racecourse in Prague has prepared an attractive novelty for its visitors. After a few decades, show jumping is making its comeback here. The first event will take place on Friday, the 3rd of May, and admission is free!

United islands 2010

25.5.2010 — United islands na ostrovech nebo na pontonech, ale bude i v roce 2010

Jan Wolf: Praha nabízí víc než jen památky

5.12.2016 — COT business | 5.12.2016 | Rubrika: Regiony | Strana: 54 | Autor: pmu | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Jan Wolf

Polská klavíristka Milena Antoniewicz v Praze & Festival Brikcius

30.5.2013 — Jste zváni na červnový koncert "Festival Brikcius" - VIOLONCELLO A KLAVÍR I., polské klavíristky Mileny Antoniewicz a českého violoncellisty Františka Brikcia, který se koná ve čtvrtek 20. června 2013, od 19:30 hodin, v reprezentačním koncertním sále ze 13. století, v Domě U Kamenného zvonu (GHMP, 3. patro, Staroměstské náměstí 605/13, Praha 1).

Judith Hill introduces her new album at Jazz Dock

31.10.2019 — Judith Hill is an American singer who is gaining more and more popularity. She will visit Prague on the 1st of November as part of her European tour. She will present her latest album as one of the stars of JAZZ ON5 festival in Jazz Dock.

Noise in Prague

17.8.2005 —