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Celkem záznamů: 39122
Záznam z jednání výboru dopravy ZHMP

1.12.2004 — ze dne 20.11.2003


30.11.2011 — There are many ways how to travel in Prague: the beauty of the city can be explored by tram, metro, bus, boat, funicular, taxi, car or bike. The most comfortable way to travel in the historical centre is the public transport, which can take you almost anywhere. It is cheap and quick. Travelling by car is recommended only exceptionally.

Volební Interview - Zdeněk Hřib

13.9.2022 — 13. 9. 2022, Rozhlas, Rádio Z - další pořady, Rádio Z, RadioZET s.r.o., Zdeněk Hřib

Komentář VIII

10.1.2003 —

Flood control measures

27.6.2007 — Information on the construction of flood protection system of the City of Prague (text based on the chapter Flood control measures published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006)

Zavřené Smetanovo nábřeží: Na Times Square taky lidi pijí kafe s dopravou v zádech

27.5.2020 — Datum vydání: 27.05.2020, Zdroj: seznamzpravy.cz +1 | Rubrika: Výzva, Podcasty, Stalo se | Strana 0 | Autor: Markéta Bidrmanová, Téma: Adam Scheinherr

Radniční tým obměníme. Pražany čeká revoluce v parkování, říká Dolínek

31.12.2017 — Zdroj: Rádio Impuls Stanice: Rádio Impuls Autor: Benedikt Lederer Rubrika: Iregiony - Praha 31. prosince 2017, 7:36

Domov sociální péče Hagibor získal ocenění v soutěži Stavba roku

21.1.2009 — Náměstkyně primátora hl. m. Prahy Marie Kousalíková se v úterý zúčastnila slavnostního odhalení plakety na Domovu sociální péče Hagibor. Plaketa bude připomínat Cenu Předsedy Senátu Parlamentu ČR, kterou tato stavba získala v rámci architektonické soutěže Stavba roku 2008.

Municipal Library of Prague opens to the public!

8.5.2020 — Selected branches of the Municipal Library of Prague opened to the public on Tuesday the 5th of May. However, health and safety measure must still be followed. Despite the government's decision to allow public libraries to open from the 27th of April, some libraries, such as the Municipal Library of Prague, were surprised by this decision and were not ready to open so soon.

Autumn colours in Prague Botanical Garden

23.10.2020 — Prague Botanical Garden was of the few places not affected by the government's Covid-19 restrictions, but unfortunately it had to close today. Hopefully, it will reopen soon so that visitors will be able to enjoy the beautiful autumn colours! The garden is truly magical in the autumn. Those who think that all flowers have already bloomed are mistaken. For example, the Ornamental Garden is still full of colour these days.