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Celkem záznamů: 744
Informace z MHMP-OKP: Filmové dokumenty podpořené hl. m. Prahou

5.5.2010 — Informace o filmových dokumentech podpořené hl. m. Prahou

Nábor florbalistů a florbalistek

7.8.2020 — Florbalový klub FAT PIPE FLORBAL CHODOV pořádá od 31. srpna nábor nových členů.

MFF Praha - Febiofest láká i na spojení filmu a kulinářského umění

7.3.2017 — Letošní již 24. ročník Mezinárodního filmového festivalu Praha – Febiofest proběhne od 23. do 31. března 2017.

National Holiday 28 October

13.10.2017 — The date 28 October represents an important day in the history of the Czech Republic. Czechoslovak independence was proclaimed on 28 October 1918.

Festival Prague Proms zahájil svůj osmnáctý ročník

23.6.2022 — Klasickou hudbu, jazz, crossover i filmové melodie nabízí letošní ročník festivalu Prague Proms 2022. Hudební maraton až do 20. října představí několik netradičních koncertů konaných například v pražském klubu The Loop Jazz Club Hostivař, ve Smetanově síni Obecního domu nebo v chrámu sv. Barbory v Kutné Hoře.


21.1.2010 — tisková zpráva

The National Museum restores blue whale skeleton

25.4.2020 — The National Museum in Prague is working on a restoration of its largest collection item, the blue whale skeleton. Visitors will soon be able to see it online.

Uncover the story of the Wels family in Villa Winternitz

21.9.2020 — The 'No night so dark' exhibition, which takes place in the Villa Winternitz until the 29th of November, will introduce you to the story of the First Republic architect Rudolf Wels' family. The story of the Wels family is a story that should not be forgotten. There is no better setting for the exhibition, as Rudolf Wels was a disciple of the famous architect Adolf Loose, who designed Villa Winternitz.

The Battle of White Mountain to be re-enacted at Vypich

18.9.2020 — On the 19th and the 20th of September, a spectacular re-enactment of the Battle of White Mountain (Bitva na Bílé hoře), which was fought 400 years ago, will take place in Prague 6, along with an accompanying programme and a historic market. Hundreds of enthusiasts from all over Europe will take part in the event introducing a dramatic episode of Czech history. The reconstruction of the battle, which was a turning point for the Czech lands, is organised by the Bílá hora 1620 association. The re-enactment, which is one of the largest events of its kind in Europe, aims for the highest level of authenticity possible.

Dear Praguers,

20.9.2012 — this beautiful Indian summer is so tempting for taking walks around the city. I recommend Prague Botanic Garden and Zoo.

Women in the post office

31.1.2020 — Women in Czech lands started working in the postal industry as early as the 16th century. How did it work back then and how did the position of women in the postal industry develop alongside that of men? You can find answers to these questions in the Postal Museum in Prague at an exhibition called 'Women in the Post Office' ('Ženy na poště').