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First World War photography exhibition in Invalidovna
19.8.2019 — The exhibition, entitled 'Jenda Rajman's Camera' ('Fotoaparátem Jendy Rajmana'), that is on in Invalidovna, Prague, documents Czech participation on the Italian front during the First World War.
Prague City Gallery as a welcome space for foreign visitors
23.1.2019 — Foreign visitors are a very important target group for Prague City Gallery. What can the Gallery offer them? Foreign visitors include individual tourists as well as group tours, school tours and students from abroad, and also guests that the gallery invites when cooperating with foreign institutions and on international projects. The main points of interest for foreign visitors are the architectural and historic Gallery buildings in the heart of the capital and the fascinating exhibitions. However, it is not only Prague City Gallery's exhibitions that make it the most accommodating institution, but also its educational work, and the smooth-running of the gallery.
Náměstykně primátora Marie Kousalíková se zúčastnila zahájení Fotoakademie
23.10.2008 — Zahájení 4. ročníku nejrozsáhlejšího vzdělávacího projektu v digitální fotografii u nás, FOTOAKADEMIE, se zúčastnila i náměstkyně pražského primátora Marie Kousalíková. Zahajující tisková konference proběhla v Zrcadlovém sále MŠMT.
TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: Ohlédnutí objektivem fotoaparátu
30.5.2006 — Pozvánka na výstavu „Fotostrojka - sovětská fotografie 1917 – 1941“
Ohlédnutí objektivem fotoaparátu
6.4.2006 — Výstavu „Fotostrojka - sovětská fotografie 1917 – 1941“ dnes v 18. hodin ve Staroměstské radnici otevře radní Bohumil Černý. Záštitu nad ní převzal velvyslanec Ruské federace v České republice a v Křížové chodbě a Rytířském sále bude expozice otevřena denně do 3.května 2005.
Exhibition in a unique gallery
31.1.2020 — Art is exhibited in the Czech Academy of Sciences' Institute of Art History's window displays. An exhibition entitled 'Detail as a Witness of the Time' ('Detail jako svědek doby') is on in the Window Gallery until the 2nd of February. The advantage is that it is accessible 24 hours a day.
Press Release: P R A G U E B I E N N A L E 4
27.4.2009 —
Nordic Days 2019
28.10.2019 — Nordic Days 2019, the tenth annual festival of Nordic culture, will take place from the 29th of October until the 6th of November in Prague. The festival will include films, a debate and even a guided tour. The theme of this year's jubilee festival, which presents significant cultural achievements in Scandinavian countries, is "journey", in all its different meanings.
‘Phenomenon of Prague Passages’ photo exhibition
16.9.2020 — An interesting exhibition focusing on Prague's covered passages started on Monday, the 14th of September. This exhibition of photographs allows you to learn more about the city of Prague in detail.
Another successful year for Prague Zoo
18.1.2019 — Prague Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world, and was ranked fifth-best internationally last year. The zoo's breeding programmes have been successful - 1340 animals were born here in the last year. New species of animals have been introduced to the zoo, including the Etruscan shrew, the smallest mammal in the world. This insectivore, which is between 3 and 5 centimetres long excluding the tail and has an average body mass of 1.8 grams, is to be found from the end of the summer in the pavilion 'African House'.
The Map of Accessibility helps ZTP card holders with special needs to find parking
24.2.2019 — The Map of Accessibility has been making life easier not only for people with reduced mobility but also for seniors and parents with prams since 2016. Currently, detailed and regularly updated information on barrier-free accessibility for more than 1 100 buildings and public spaces in the City of Prague can be found on the map.
Discover World Heritage
23.4.2019 — The Central Library in Mariánské Square introduces photographs of the world's cultural and natural sites protected by UNESCO. This exhibition of unique photographs from the project of the creator, RNDr. Milena Blažková, will last until the 27th of April 2019.
Press Release: April in Museum Kampa
11.4.2009 —
Přehled akcí pod záštitou primátora v roce 2012
31.10.2012 —
Přehled akcí pod záštitou primátora v roce 2012
31.10.2012 —
Přehled akcí pod záštitou primátora v roce 2012
31.10.2012 —
Přehled akcí pod záštitou primátora v roce 2012
31.10.2012 —