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Celkem záznamů: 64309
Podrobný popis trasy
13.3.2014 —
Podrobný popis trasy
13.3.2014 —
Treat Yourself at the Ice Cream Festival in Holešovice
31.5.2019 — The season of food festivals is in full swing, with Prague Ice Cream Festival kicking off on the 2nd of June in Prague Exhibition Grounds (Výstaviště Praha).
Čarodějnice, Valpurga, Morana a Praha
10.4.2008 — Čarodějnice se v Praze obvykle nepálily, bývala to zábava venkovská a navíc zavánějící pohanstvím. V posledních letech ale tradice přichází do města stále častěji a řada pražských radnic ji oživuje.
Villa Winternitz exhibits unique models of Adolf Loos’ buildings
31.5.2019 — In Villa Winternitz in Smíchov, Prague, you can currently visit an exhibition of models of constructions by the world-famous architect Adolf Loos, by the Japanese professor Yoshio Sakurai and his students.
Prague Castle displays newly purchased paintings by Kamil Lhoták
11.2.2019 — For almost 11 million CZK, Prague Castle Administration bought two paintings by the well-known Czech painter Kamil Lhoták (1912-1990). The paintings will be exhibited at the Picture Gallery at the 2nd Courtyard of Prague Castle until February 28th.
Increase of ponds in Prague
19.7.2019 — Two new ponds and one revitalized pond serve as recreational spaces for the residents of Prague and contribute to the increase of biodiversity. They are owned by the City of Prague and managed by 'Lesy hlavního města Prahy' (Prague City Forests).
Jak se po Praze pohybovat
13.11.2023 — Propracovaný systém Pražské integrované dopravy umožňuje pohodlnou cestu po městě i za jeho hranice. Můžeme využít metro, tramvaj, autobus, železnici, ale i lanovku nebo přívoz.
Prague will host international pole vault hall meeting
30.1.2019 — One of the most attractive athletic disciplines - the pole vault - will be presented at the international hall meeting Zimní Pražská tyčka on the 9th of February in Strahov. Zimní Pražská tyčka has been held yearly since 1996 and is a sister competition to the international athletics meeting Pražská tyčka. Of course, the best Czech athletes always take part in both meetings.
Prague Airport
8.8.2017 — Václav Havel Airport Prague handles over 13 million passengers a year and the number is still increasing. More than 60 airline companies connect Prague with over 140 destinations worldwide.
Sprejeři způsobili škody za desítky miliónů
14.1.2003 —
Zastupitelé Křeslic nesouhlasí s firmou Stamet
26.2.2002 —
Tisíce běžců poběží opět maraton v centru Prahy
15.5.2003 —
Je tunel Mrázovka pražský Temelín?
1.2.2001 —
Policie vyklidila okolí orloje
26.5.2003 —
Povodni se ubráníme až za rok
1.4.2003 —