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Celkem záznamů: 5263
Praha zrevidovala IT zakázky, ušetřila již přes 100 milionů korun

2.10.2019 — Hlavní město Praha provedlo audit IT zakázek. Bylo nalezeno 11 problematických projektů, 5 jich bylo již zrušeno. Audit tak městu v současné chvíli ušetřil 103 milionů korun.

Festival moderního umění TINA B. po roce opět v Praze

7.10.2010 — Tajemná TINA B., šarmantní mecenáška a milovnice současného umění, se v říjnu již po páté objeví v Praze, aby zde představila až stovku umělců z celého světa. Nechte se oslnit jejím charismatem a nalákat na to nejžhavější umění...

Živě - Zdeněk Hřib a Ondřej Prokop

11.9.2021 — 11. 9. 2021, Televize, Televizní noviny, TV Nova, TV Nova s.r.o., Zdeněk Hřib

Prague sings: Hej mistře! (Hey Master!)

23.12.2018 — It is traditionally celebrated at midnight on Christmas Eve, in various locations in the Capital. 'Czech Christmas Mass', also known as Hej mistře! ('Hey Master!'), popularly called Rybovka, and in Latin Missa solemnis Festis Nativitatis D. J. Ch. acomodata in linguam bohemicam musicam, abriviated to Missa pastoralis bohemika, is a Czech religious composition written by Jakub Jan Ryba. It is the first written liturgical composition in Czech. Rybovka is a pastoral play set in Czechia that narrates the story of the Annunciation of Christ's birth and the arrival of shepherds to the manger in the stable. It was composed in 1796 and hand-written copies quickly spread throughout the Kingdom of Bohemia. The original score has not been preserved, and the versions that are played today are compiled based on critical analyses of the hand-written copies.

Tour Prague on a culture tram

15.6.2020 — A special 'culture tram' has begun touring Prague city. From the outside, the tram serves as a moving decoration for the streets of Prague, where it will ride through all year round; inside, it promotes various cultural events taking place in Prague. From time to time, events will also take place on the tram, which will be used as a mobile stage for concerts and theatre performances, or simply as a reading place. "Cultural life is finally slowly awakening after coronavirus. I am pleased that we can arrange cultural activities in this innovative way for the people of Prague too", Hana Třeštíková, Prague City Councillor for Culture and Tourism, said.

Visitors Information

13.12.2010 —

Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences Open Day

15.10.2019 — On the 16th of October, the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences will hold an Open Day. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the academy's historic building in Vinohrady in Prague, built in the 1920s by the Czech architect Josef Gočár, and learn about the history of the academy. The open day is part of the academy's 95th anniversary celebrations.

German language film festival

18.8.2019 — Das Sommerkino 2019 is a festival that offers best German language films from recent years. It is organised by Goethe-Institut in Prague.

Festival moderního umění TINA B. po roce opět v Praze

7.10.2010 — Tajemná TINA B., šarmantní mecenáška a milovnice současného umění, se v říjnu již po páté objeví v Praze, aby zde představila až stovku umělců z celého světa. Nechte se oslnit jejím charismatem a nalákat na to nejžhavější umění...

V zakázkách magistrátu jsou bombičky, ale úmysl neprokážete, říká primátor Svoboda

30.8.2011 — iHNed.cz | 30.8.2011 | rubrika: zpravy.ihned.cz | strana: 0 | autor: Marek Pokorný

Baroque Bastion XXXI offers great views and art

23.3.2020 — Founded in 1348 by Emperor Charles IV, Bastion XXXI forms part of the New Town of Prague's medieval walls. It not only offers visitors magnificent views of the Vyšehrad skyline, the Vltava waterfront, and many other historical buildings, but outdoor exhibitions are also regularly held there.

Spooky pumpkins in Prague Botanical Garden

30.10.2019 — Like every year, Prague Botanical Garden is getting ready for the Halloween celebrations on the last day of October. Pumpkin carving, games, competitions, a bonfire and, of course, a pumpkin parade will be part of the celebrations. Come and join the Halloween celebrations in Prague Botanical Garden.

„Půl miliardy teď kmotrům chybí“

10.12.2013 — Mladá fronta DNES | 10.12.2013 | Rubrika: Praha | Strana: 1 | Autor: Pavel Švec | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Eva Vorlíčková

Explore artificial intelligence with Richard Janeček’s art

20.1.2020 — Prague City Gallery hosts an exhibition of Richard Janeček's work entitled: 'I Think in an Ideal World, it Would Have Ended Very Differently'. The exhibition, which is a part of the gallery's 'Start Up' series dedicated to young artists, can be seen in Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace until the 2nd of February 2020.