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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 1712
Prague Public Transport Museum is open in the winter
17.2.2019 — Since the Prague Public Transport Museum is very popular, The Prague Public Transit Co. Inc. has decided to open it to the public even in the winter months. The museum will be open every weekend until the 31st of March 2019 from 9am to 5pm. Visitors will find more than forty historic vehicles and many other exhibits here, including models, photographs, historical documents, tickets and transport plans.
New drive-in cinema at the Great Strahov Stadium
21.5.2020 — The space near the Great Strahov Stadium is being put to good use, with a brand-new drive-in cinema. With a capacity of 120 cars, it is the largest drive-in cinema in Prague. Apart from film screenings, various cultural events will also take place here during the summer.
Sběrné dvory a VOK
10.4.2024 — V současné době je na území Prahy v provozu 20 sběrných dvorů hlavního města Prahy. Jejich provoz je zajišťován na základě výsledků otevřených výběrových řízení s provozující firmou nebo prostřednictvím městské části, které Hlavní město Praha poskytuje na provoz sběrného dvora roční jednorázovou neinvestiční dotaci (MČ Praha 16 a MČ Praha 20). Velkoobjemové kontejnery na objemný odpad (VOK) jsou určeny výhradně pro objemný odpad od občanů Prahy (fyzické osoby), nikoliv pro odpad z živností.
Strategie hl. m. Prahy pro přechod na cirkulární ekonomiku – Cirkulární Praha 2030
24.3.2022 — Základní strukturované informace o dokumentu Cirkulární Praha 2030 a jeho přípravě.
Konzultační setkání o využití měření mikroklimatických parametrů v Praze
19.6.2023 — Odbor ochrany prostředí Magistrátu hl. m. Prahy uspořádal dne 31. 5. 2023 v prostorách Podnikatelského a inovačního centra hl. m. Prahy v přízemí Škodova paláce další konzultační setkání o využití měření mikroklimatických parametrů pro vyhodnocení adaptačních opatření v Praze.
Waste management in Prague - introduction
23.6.2005 — úvodní text k rubrice s praktickými informacemi pro cizince s dlouhodobým pobytem v Praze
Wine tasting in Ctěnice
15.4.2019 — Wine lovers, listen! Wine tasting season is about to start! On the 27th of April, you can taste delicious wines from small wineries that have their own family traditions in the picturesque Ctěnice Chateau.
New life for the Prague Market
29.2.2020 — Prague City Hall intend to transform the Prague Market into a lively space with a wide range of shops, services and cultural activities for all generations, following the takeover of the market in Holešovice last year. The Prague Market, a former slaughterhouse, offers a rich cultural programme for the occasion of its 125th birthday this year.
First Aid in Prague
2.12.2011 — For many tourists a visit to a foreign city remains an unforgettable experience full of happy memories. Unfortunately, things can happen anywhere in the world to spoil your visit – the visitor may even become the victim of a crime, may need to seek medical attention or be caught in a fire.
Prague Zoo is the only zoo that breeds rare Texas tortoise in Europe
18.8.2020 — The vulnerable Texas tortoise is a species of tortoise in the Testudinidae family, and one of six species of tortoises in the Gopherus genus, commonly referred to as gopher tortoises. They are native to North America, in southern US and northern Mexico. Prague Zoo, which is the only zoo in Europe that successfully breeds this species, celebrated the birth of a new hatchling in the second half of July. Texas tortoises inhabit deep burrows, which they dig with their strong claws and flattened front legs. However, they prefer to use pre-dug mammal burrows. Prague Zoo has kept a group of these interesting tortoises in the Sonora exhibit in the Pavilion of Beasts and Reptiles since 2007. The first hatchlings were born in 2010.
Advent and Christmas preparations in Prague Zoo
30.11.2019 — The Christmas tree in Prague Zoo will officially be lit up on Sunday, the 1st of December. Advent in Prague Zoo will be dedicated to producing presents for the animals.
27.4.2009 —
Soup festival on Vltava riverbank
6.3.2020 — Soups from all over the world can be tasted during this year's annual popular Polívkování festival, which will take place on the 7th of March on the Vltava riverbank ('Náplavka' in Czech) in Smíchov, Prague. Come and enjoy all-time favourites and try out lesser-known soup recipes from all over the world.
The traditional Street Food Festival is coming soon
14.4.2019 — Winter has passed, spring is in the air, and the streets are waking up. On Sunday, the 14th of April 2019, the next season of Street Food Festival begins at the Cross Club in Holešovice.
Dear Praguers,
20.9.2012 — this beautiful Indian summer is so tempting for taking walks around the city. I recommend Prague Botanic Garden and Zoo.
18.2.2010 — Exhibition
Why Use Public Transport
23.10.2008 — The answer to this question is very simple, it’s safer and faster than driving and you don’t get stuck looking for parking.
Nová obecně závazná vyhláška o odpadech
2.12.2022 — Informace o nová obecně závazné vyhlášce č. 20/2022 Sb, hl. m. Prahy o stanovení obecního systému odpadového hospodářství hlavního města Prahy (vyhláška o odpadech), která nabude platnosti s účinností od 1. 1. 2023.