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Celkem záznamů: 759
Advent v Muzeu hl. m. Prahy

27.11.2018 — Muzeum hlavního města Prahy pořádá 1. prosince v hlavní budově muzea již tradiční předvánoční akci MuzeuM Market. Kouzlo předvánočního času nabídne i program v zámeckém areálu Ctěnice.

First Matter of Art

29.8.2020 — Matter of Art ('Bienále Ve věci umění') with the subtitle Come Closer ('Pojď blíž') is a new event with the ambition of becoming a biennale - an event that takes place every second year. The full programme takes place in the Prague Municipal Library in Mariánské Square until the 15th of November, offering guided tours, workshops, and discussions. Proximity and empathy are the two central motifs of the Matter of Art 2020. One of the main locations is the Municipal Library's exquisite exhibition halls in Prague's Old Town.

More events to support the development of Prague’s quays

10.2.2019 — This year, the capital plans to continue renewing the quays. The Prague Councillor for Property, Jan Chabr, wants to support more public events for children and families, during the winter as well as the summer. For example, on Saturday 2nd February, traditional farmers' markets will start on Rašínovo nábřeží quay. Jan Chabr would like to see similar events take place.