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Celkem záznamů: 119579
Na nábřeží nesměla jezdit sedm hodin auta Mladá fronta DNES | 20.9.2004 | rubrika: Praha | strana: 1 | autor: (lin)

20.9.2004 — Staré Město - Smetanovo nábřeží se včera ráno na sedm hodin proměnilo v pěší zónu, na níž rachotily jen tramvaje. Jinak velice frekventovaná komunikace od Národního divadla ke Karlovu mostu patřila chodcům, cyklistům nebo vyznavačům jízdy na kolečkových bruslích.

New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019

1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.

New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019

1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.

Prezentace hlavního města Prahy na veletrzích cestovního ruchu

12.6.2006 — Souhrnné informace o prezentaci HMP na veletrzích cestovního ruchu