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Celkem záznamů: 7841
Latvian dancers in Prague

9.3.2020 — X10 Theatre will feature the Latvian dance performance 'Labrys' on the 10th of March, as part of the 'Spectaculare' festival. Two million people live in Latvia, and it currently has nine professional, and at least two hundred amateur and semi-professional, theatre groups. Unfortunately, Latvian theatre is not often shown in the Czech Republic, so theatregoers, especially those interested in dance theatre, should not miss this opportunity.

Camp for homeless people in Troja

11.4.2020 — People experiencing homelessness that may have been infected with Covid-19 will be put into isolation in a temporary camp on Císařský Island in Troja, Prague, from the 9th of April. The capacity of the camp is 20 people, and there are separate areas for men and women, as well as all the necessary facilities. However, the camp will be able to fit up to 40 people if necessary.