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Celkem záznamů: 7841
Dopis primátorů metropolí V4

16.7.2020 — H.E. Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany Dear Chancellor Merkel, 14 July, 2020 Earlier this year, the capital cities of the Visegrád countries launched an all-European...

Dopis primátorů metropolí V4

16.7.2020 — H.E. Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany Dear Chancellor Merkel, 14 July, 2020 Earlier this year, the capital cities of the Visegrád countries launched an all-European...

V4 letter

15.7.2020 — H.E. Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany Dear Chancellor Merkel, 14 July, 2020 Earlier this year, the capital cities of the Visegrád countries launched an all-European...


16.7.2009 — Museum Kampa Nadace Jana a Medy Mládkových / The Jan and Meda Mladek Foundation U Sovových mlýnů 2, 118 00 Praha 1 Tel.: 257 286 147, fax: 257 286 113, e-mail:...