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Celkem záznamů: 8316
International Dance Day to take place online

28.4.2020 — The 29th of April has been the International Dance Day since 1982. The traditional meeting of dancers and dance fans usually takes place on Střelecký Island, where the event has a wide fan base. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year's annual competition will be broadcast online from several locations in Prague. Nevertheless, the event will still connect the Czech dance scene with the public.

Prague – Velká Chuchle Racecourse hosts ladies’ charity polo tournament

20.8.2019 — A racing afternoon in Prague - Velká Chuchle Racecourse is one of the many weekend activities on in the Czech capital. Now, you can see not only racing, but also show jumping. And between the 23rd and 25th of August, you can come to watch ladies' polo.

"Festival Brikcius"

12.4.2013 — 2. ročník cyklu koncertů komorní hudby v Domě U Kamenného zvonu.

Veletrh Sběratel 2013

1.7.2013 — 15. mezinárodní veletrh poštovních známek, mincí, karet, pohlednic, minirálů a sběratelství. 5. - 7. 9. 2013, Praha Letňany - Výstaviště PVA