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Marie Kousalíková přivítala finalistky soutěže MISS EUROPE-JUNIOR Open 2007

4.10.2007 — Náměstkyně primátora hl.m. Prahy Marie Kousalíková dnes přivítala v Brožíkově síni na Staroměstské radnici třicet finalistek soutěže Miss Europe Junior Open 2007 (Miss Europe & World Junior). Při této příležitosti si dívky z třiceti zemí světa vylosovaly svá soutěžní čísla pro finální galavečer, který se bude konat 20. října v Ostravě. Součástí slavnostního přijetí byla prohlídka historických sálů Staroměstské radnice.

New Russian art exhibition in DOX

23.10.2019 — A new exhibition, 'Russia. Timeless', is running in DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Holešovice in Prague until the 2nd of December. The exhibition introduces strong artistic opinions from contemporary Russia. "The exhibition shows the theme of timelessness over the past sixty years by artists of different generations and aesthetic beliefs. We want them to stand side by side and together, without categorising them as more or less important than each other. Each visitor can decide that for themselves and according to their own opinion," Tomáš Glanc, one of the exhibition's curators, said.

Open Day in Točná Airport

8.11.2019 — Old airplanes will be on display for the Open Day in Točná Airport, which the airport organises on the second Saturday of each month. This time, you can admire some new additions on Saturday, the 9th of November. You can also look forward to the take-off and landing of airplanes, weather permitting.

Learn about Jewish history in Prague with reduced entrance fee

23.5.2020 — The Jewish Museum is one of the most significant tourist destinations in Prague. Since its reopening after the closure due to the coronavirus pandemic, you can enjoy the world-famous sites and exhibitions for a reduced entrance fee for a limited time.