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Celkem záznamů: 8304
Prague City Gallery offers a series of lectures on art

20.3.2019 — Prague City Gallery is examining current trends in art history, which emphasises transnational perspectives under the terms 'global art history' and 'world art studies'.

TIP NA NEDĚLI: Den dětí na Letné

3.6.2014 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy Tomáš Hudeček a pražské domy dětí a mládeže zvou všechen lid na Letnou, kde v neděli 8. 6. 2014 vypukne velkolepá antická zábava.

Japan Week in Prague

9.11.2017 — Japan Week is a festival focused on the presentation and promotion of the Japanese culture and art around the world and interchange between the nations. The Japanese foundation (IFF) International Friendship Foundation has been organising Japan Week already for 31 years - every year in a different country.