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Celkem záznamů: 33147
Povodňová opatření v České republice-záznam rozhovoru s náměstkem primátora hl. m. Prahy Janem Bürgermeisterem, odvysílaný na obrazovkách programu ČT 1 dne 29.3. 2006

3.4.2006 — Pane náměstku, před malou chvílí jsme viděli, jak to vypadá s Vltavou, objevily se ale už včera informace třeba o tom, že by měla být evakuována část pražské zoologické zahrady, jak to tedy vypadá dnes ráno?

The world's biggest Romani festival is here

24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.

The world's biggest Romani festival is here

24.5.2019 — From the 26th of May to the 1st of June, rhythmic Roma music will sound throughout Prague as the 21st annual Romani festival, Khamoro, takes place. Khamoro ('sun' in the Roma language) is the biggest and the most famous professional Roma festival in the world. It has been held in Prague since 1999.