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Celkem záznamů: 3463
Škody po vichřici Emma v lesních porostech na území Prahy

4.3.2008 — V lesních porostech v majetku hl. m. Prahy bylo započato s vyčíslením vyvrácených stromů po víkendovém orkánu Emma. Jednalo se celkem o 460 metrů krychlových dřevní hmoty. Výrazně postiženo bylo přibližně deset lokalit, největší škody byly zaznamenány na území Malé Chuchle, z pražských parků byla nejvíce postižena Stromovka, kde je nevratně zničeno 25 stromů.

Tropical greenhouse jungle comes to life

31.1.2020 — Prague Botanical Garden in Troja has prepared a special experience for its visitors with late guided tours through the Fata Morgana greenhouse in the dark. This is a unique opportunity to see what the jungle looks like at night.

Prague Zoo is the only zoo that breeds rare Texas tortoise in Europe

18.8.2020 — The vulnerable Texas tortoise is a species of tortoise in the Testudinidae family, and one of six species of tortoises in the Gopherus genus, commonly referred to as gopher tortoises. They are native to North America, in southern US and northern Mexico. Prague Zoo, which is the only zoo in Europe that successfully breeds this species, celebrated the birth of a new hatchling in the second half of July. Texas tortoises inhabit deep burrows, which they dig with their strong claws and flattened front legs. However, they prefer to use pre-dug mammal burrows. Prague Zoo has kept a group of these interesting tortoises in the Sonora exhibit in the Pavilion of Beasts and Reptiles since 2007. The first hatchlings were born in 2010.

Iván Gutiérrez in Jazz Dock

5.2.2019 — On Thursday, the 7th of February 2019, a Colombian songwriter known for his cooperation with Zuzana Navarová will perform in Smíchov.

TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: Praha si z veletrhů cestovního ruchu vybrala ty nejzajímavější

9.11.2005 — Prezentace Prahy na veletrzích v zahraničí