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Celkem záznamů: 39213
Dear Praguers,

11.1.2013 — On my behalf and on behalf of Prague City Hall, I welcome you in the New Year. I believe that it will be prosperous and full of joy.

Potok Chvalka

18.11.2009 — Popis trasy podél potoka Chvalka, stav k září 2009 (součást aplikace Po Praze podél potoků).

Festival hudby a pohybu

9.5.2019 — Sedmý ročník jednodenního festivalu ,,Pojď dál" se odehraje v Praze 2 v sobotu 11. května na dvou místech. Adrenalinové dopoledne začne v parku Folimanka pod Nuselským mostem a hudební podvečer pak v areálu škol Jedličkova ústavu na Vyšehradě.

Prague Spring presents: Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival 2019

15.11.2019 — Five excellent pianists will take part in the seventh annual Rudolf Firkušný Piano Festival, which will take place between the 17th and the 23rd of November. This year, festival goers can once again look forward to an extraordinary music experience.

The Four Continents Jazz festival in Jazz Dock

10.1.2019 — The annual series of concerts of exceptional musicians from four continents will take place once again in Prague club Jazz Dock. Renowned American guitarist Julian Lage, trumpet virtuoso Ambrose Akinmusire, walking in the footsteps of Miles Davis, and Israeli double bass player Adam Ben Ezra will all partake.

Libuše's Bath

31.3.2020 — Are you already planning what to do and where to go after the pandemic is over? Libuše's Bath in Vyšehrad is well worth a visit.

Prague Writer’s Festival 2020

6.10.2020 — The international literary festival in Prague has been introducing the world's most renowned writers and the best world literature for the past 30 years. The Prague Writer's Festival will take place between the 7th and the 11th of October in the Convent of St. Agnes and Rock Café this year.