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Prague Zoo starts a collection to help Australian fauna

14.1.2020 — On Monday, the 6th of January, Prague Zoo announced that they have started a collection to help the Australian fauna threatened by fires. Over one million CZK has already been collected. 160,000 CZK of this, which comes from the "Three Crowns of Entry Fee" project, has already headed to the Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund managed by Zoos Victoria, after being approved by Prague City Council on the 10th of January.

Special Prague Symphony Orchestra concert in the Municipal House

15.6.2020 — Prague Symphony Orchestra, also known as FOK, which stands for Film Opera Koncert, will hold a special concert in the Municipal House's Smetana Hall. The concert will be the orchestra's first after the coronavirus break and will take place at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, the 23rd of June. The orchestra will be directed by Pietari Inkinen. Sibelius' tone poem 'Finlandia' Op. 26 and Dvořák's Symphony No. 9 in E minor Op. 95 'From the New World' will be on the evening's programme. This is will Inkinen's final concert as chief conductor of FOK, with his typical combination of Finnish and Czech music.


9.8.2010 — Permanent exhibition

Novoměstská radnice, p.o.

6.5.2014 — Neváhejte navštívit nějakou výstavu, akci či koncert konané na Novoměstské radnici v Praze.

Pražský primátor vylosoval dvojici hráček, která zítra zahájí 1. kolo FedCupu Česká republika - Japonsko

22.4.2005 — Stadion Praha – Štvanice hostí o nadcházejícím víkendu zápasy 1. kola světové skupiny II FedCupu – mezinárodní soutěže ženských tenisových týmů, která se po sedmi letech vrací do Prahy.

First Aid in Prague

2.12.2011 — For many tourists a visit to a foreign city remains an unforgettable experience full of happy memories. Unfortunately, things can happen anywhere in the world to spoil your visit – the visitor may even become the victim of a crime, may need to seek medical attention or be caught in a fire.

Jeden z nejkontroverznějších světových režisérů Rodrigo García poprvé v Česku

16.4.2024 — Městská divadla pražská uvedou v Komedii konceptuální dílo, které zvědavě zkoumá naši paralelní přítomnost ve světě sociálních sítí.