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Celkem záznamů: 21157
Sobota 6. dubna:

2.4.2024 — Den milovníků zoologických zahrad a rozlučka s Maxem a Rudou

Město získalo za pronájem náměstí 120 tisíc korunMetro | rubrika: Praha | strana: 6

9.7.2004 — Podle odhadů pořadatelů přišlo na Staroměstské náměstí podpořit české fotbalisty v semifinálové bitvě proti Řecku asi 20 tisíc fandů.

Vyšehrad summer scene comes alive with acrobats and music

15.5.2019 — From the 17th to the 23rd of May 2019, Losers Cirque Company's Open Air Festival is taking place at Vyšehrad. Over the course of seven evenings, audiences will enjoy a varied programme prepared especially for this festival. In addition to the Losers' new circus, festival goers can look forward to great musicians and a beatboxer.

Charles Bridge Renovation Began

14.9.2007 — At last the Charles Bridge renovation finally started, it has been planned since 1991. Its completion date is 11th June 2010 and the repairs should prevent water leakage and improve the infrastructure of the bridge and its access roads. Repair works cost more than 222 million crowns and doesn't concern the stone bridge's antique patina as this will be repaired in 10 years time.