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Celkem záznamů: 7542

28.6.2024 — Run and Help 2024


28.6.2024 — Run and Help 2024


28.6.2024 — Run and Help 2024


27.6.2017 — HLAVNÍ MĚSTO PRAHA Pozvánka MAGISTRÁT HLAVNÍHO MĚSTA PRAHY Oddělení komunikace Vážení, jménem členů Rady hl. m. Prahy si Vás dovolujeme pozvat ve čtvrtek 29. června 2017...


11.3.2004 — SPD 3 Annex 1 SPD 3 AND ROMA COMMUNITIES The SPD 3 reflects the needs of disadvantaged groups, one of them being...


17.5.2007 — EUROCITIES Culture Forum Meeting – Nantes 7-10 March 2007 WD 13.2 Cultural indicators and Agenda 21 for culture Document adopted on 24 October 2006 in Barcelona, at the first meeting of...

Kniha Pražská záchranka ve 155 fotografiích

5.11.2009 — The Prague Ambulance Service in 155 photographs Even on the hottest days and the coldest nights, we know that they're going to be there to respond to our calls, our pleas for help and even our...


31.5.2006 — U N I T E D N A T I O N S N A T I O N S U N I E S THE SECRETARY-GENERAL -- MESSAGE ON WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 5 June 2006 The theme of this year’s observance of World...