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Celkem záznamů: 7560

8.11.2023 — SUB-SOVEREIGN CREDIT OPINION 3 November 2023 Update RATINGS Prague, City of Domicile Czech Republic Long Term Rating Aa3 Type LT Issuer Rating - Fgn Curr Outlook Negative Please see the...


22.3.2009 — Prague Spring and the project Martinů Revisited Tomorrow and Friday night, the Czech Philharmonic will perform a concert version of fragments from the opera Julietta by Bohuslav Martinů under...


6.12.2023 — SUB-SOVEREIGN CREDIT OPINION 29 November 2023 Update RATINGS Prague, City of Domicile Czech Republic Long Term Rating Aa3 Type LT Issuer Rating - Fgn Curr Outlook Stable Please see the...


20.4.2024 — SUB-SOVEREIGN CREDIT OPINION 29 November 2023 Update RATINGS Prague, City of Domicile Czech Republic Long Term Rating Aa3 Type LT Issuer Rating - Fgn Curr Outlook Stable Please see the...


9.8.2007 — Position paper Operational Programme Prague-Competitiveness 2007-2013 Preparation of OP In the text of the OP, partnership has been dealt with in a rather vague way, which does not allow the...


26.2.2010 — Credit Opinion: Prague, City of Global Credit Research - 11 Feb 2010 Czech Republic Ratings Category Moody's Rating Outlook Stable Issuer Rating A1 Contacts Analyst Phone Katerina...

Cities should play a key role in green recovery

8.7.2020 — Cities should play a key role in green recovery An open letter to the President and to the Members of the European Council by the mayors of Visegrad Group capitals 16 June 2020 ...