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Prague Zoo exhibition captures the beauty of Przewalski’s horses

31.10.2020 — Do not despair if you missed the exhibition 'The Beauty of Wild Horses' in Prague Zoo before its closure. The garden has prepared an online version of the exhibition, which is now available on their website. Prague Zoo has played an important role in saving Przewalski's horse from extinction since 1921, and more recently, in returning these wild horses to their natural habitat, the steppes of central Asia. The zoo also keeps a breed registry for Przewalski's horse species.

Praha má být chytrá, říká primátorka Adriana Krnáčová

3.6.2016 — praha.iDNES.cz | 3.6.2016 | Rubrika: Praha / Metro | Strana: 0 | Autor: Metro.cz, Robert Oppelt | Téma: Volené orgány - Primátorka - Adriana Krnáčová

Primátorka převzala ocenění za přínos v oblasti Smart Cities od Fakulty dopravní ČVUT

25.1.2018 — Primátorka hlavního města Prahy Adriana Krnáčová převzala Gerstnerovu medaili od Fakulty dopravní ČVUT za přínos v oblasti Smart Cities a za spolupráci s fakultou samotnou.

Final farewell to Karel Gott

10.10.2019 — Up to 300,000 people are expected to come to Žofín Palace in Prague to pay their final respects to Karel Gott this Friday. Masarykovo Embankment, which is close to the venue, will be pedestrianised. The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic will work with the police, the army and Prague City Hall for the smooth organisation of the event.

21 projects compete in climate change competition finals

16.8.2020 — The public voting for the Adapterra Awards competition has started. The competition aims to find the best ideas on how to prepare Czech cities, towns and landscapes for the effects of climate change, such as drought, rising temperatures and torrential rain. 21 projects have reached the final stage of the competition, five of which are from Prague. The public have until the end of September to choose the best projects in the Czech Republic tackling current challenges regarding climate change, such as creating green buildings and public spaces, cooling urban streets and returning water to the landscape.


18.4.2007 — Jubilejní ročník festivalu v Paláci Akropolis

Pražský primátor rozkrojil narozeninový dort Hard Rock Cafe

10.4.2010 — Primátor hl. m. Prahy Pavel Bém se včera zúčastnil prvního výročí Hard Rock Cafe Praha. Klub se nachází ve třech patrech historické budovy domu U Rotta na Malém náměstí, a včerejší oslavy 1. výročí od svého vzniku byly vskutku velkolepé. Restaurace pro téměř 400 osob, dva bary, obchod a klub se tak zaplnili oslavujícími návštěvníky.