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5. emise dluhopisů hl. m. Prahy (splatná v roce 2023) - € 200,000,000 Bonds ISIN XS0943724962

8.9.2022 — Dluhopisy ISIN - XS0943724962 hlavního města Prahy v celkové jmenovité hodnotě 200 000 000 EUR s pevným úrokovým výnosem ve výši 3.125 % p.a. ----- € 200,000,000 3.125 per cent. fixed rate notes due 3 July 2023 issued by City of Prague ISIN - XS0943724962

The National Museum restores blue whale skeleton

25.4.2020 — The National Museum in Prague is working on a restoration of its largest collection item, the blue whale skeleton. Visitors will soon be able to see it online.

Prague Zoo needs your help

17.4.2020 — Even without visitors, life goes on in the zoo. However, it is difficult for the zoo to keep running without the significant income from entrance tickets. How can we help? One of the options is a virtual adoption. This year, you can adopt even a baby elephant!

European Heritage Days start in Prague

11.9.2020 — Every year, usually in early autumn, the doors of the most interesting monuments, buildings and other spaces of interest, many of which are normally inaccessible, open to the public as part of the European Heritage Days. Between the 12th and the 20th of September, visitors can see most of them for free.

Legendary Pink Dots return to Prague

14.2.2020 — An English-Dutch experimental rock band is coming back to Café V lese for the third time, and once again, it will certainly be an unforgettable evening. The concert will take place in the music club in the Vršovice district of Prague on the 15th of February.

Christmas in Náprstek Museum

14.12.2019 — Once again, the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague will host their popular Christmas event for the whole family, 'Vánoce u Halánků' (Christmas in Halánků). The event will take place on the 15th of December.

Noise in Prague

17.8.2005 —


27.6.2007 — The text from the chapter Wastewater published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006.