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Celkem záznamů: 7841

28.2.2024 — Slavnostní předání šeku v rámci akce Run and Help


28.2.2024 — Slavnostní předání šeku v rámci akce Run and Help


8.6.2009 — III. National cultural policy from 2009 - 2014 Vision bases of the national cultural policy High appreciation of the importance of culture has been a stable element of the...


8.6.2009 — III. National cultural policy from 2009 - 2014 Vision bases of the national cultural policy High appreciation of the importance of culture has been a stable element of the...

Projekt CORDEX – FPS Urbanization and Regional Climate Change „Proof of concept“

22.12.2021 — Projekt CORDEX – FPS Urbanization and Regional Climate Change „Proof of concept“ v rámci projektu URBI PRAGENSI Tomáš Halenka & URBI PRAGENSI tým Motivace Evropa: 2008 - 73%...

Informační materiál NE! v přírodě (DL), EN mutace 2022, náhledové PDF

6.6.2022 — Motorized vehicles mustn‘t enter forests and parks! Motorized vehicles, with the exception of electric bicycles, are forbidden to enter forests and parks, as they may severely damage plants and...


31.5.2006 — DON’T DESERT DRYLANDS UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME MESSAGE ON WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 5 June 2006 The dry and delicate landscapes that we call deserts are among the world’s ...


22.5.2014 — FORUM NCG Nantes 22-25 October 2014 CALL FOR APPLICATION What is Nantes Creative Generations? Nantes Creative Generations is a programme set up by Nantes Métropole and the City of Nantes,...