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Celkem záznamů: 7841

16.10.2008 — P R A H A P R A G U E 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 7 granty města a obnova památek municipal grants and restoration of monuments 2O R I E N T A C E | O R I E N T A T I O N Hlavní město Praha Capital...


12.12.2023 — Prague, City of Culture 4 5 PRAGUE, CITY OF CULTURE Contents Introduction 6 Cultural Organizations Funded by the City of Prague 8 Subsidies by the City of Prague to Independent Cultural...


22.8.2008 — PUBLIC TRANSPORT People and visitors of Prague can tour Prague using the extensive public transport network. The major city transport provider in Prague is the Prague Public Transport Company...


28.4.2009 — The National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture 120 21 Praha 2, Blanická 4, POB 12 tel.: 221 507 900 fax: 221 507 929 e-mail: nipos@nipos-mk.cz http: // www.nipos-mk.cz ...


9.10.2008 — European Green Capital Award Application City of Prague Prague City Hall, Department of the Environment Protection September 2008 European Green...


10.8.2010 — The National Information and Consulting Centre for Culture 120 21 Praha 2, Blanická 4, POB 12 tel.: 221 507 900 fax: 221 507 929 e-mail: nipos@nipos-mk.cz http: // www.nipos-mk.cz ...


28.4.2009 — Národní informační a poradenské středisko pro kulturu 120 21 Praha 2, Blanická 4, POB 12 tel.: 221 507 900 fax: 221 507 929 e-mail: nipos@nipos-mk.cz http: // www.nipos-mk.cz ...