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Celkem záznamů: 8316
Pražská protidrogová politika si klade za cíl nové horizonty

7.10.2014 — Praha využívá příležitost řešit drogovou politiku na mezinárodní úrovni. Potvrzuje to dnešním rozhodnutím městské rady připojit se k deklaraci Nové horizonty protidrogové politiky 2014.

Pražský primátor přijal zástupce Světové softballové federace

10.8.2009 — Pražský primátor Pavel Bém dnes dopoledne přijal ve slavnostních prostorách Brožíkovy síně Staroměstské radnice zástupce Světové softballové federace. Česká softballová asociace pořádá letos hlavní mezinárodní akcí České softballové asociace Světový pohár. Primátor Pavel Bém včera zahájil Světový pohár v softballu dívek do šestnácti let.

Explore trilobite fossils in Prague Zoo

22.9.2020 — All visitors to the zoo probably know the pavilions, enclosures and expositions. However, the zoological garden also offers the opportunity to walk local trails, leading to a time when the planet Earth was just being formed. The Geostezka path leading from the ungulate enclosures to Gočár Houses in the upper part of the zoo winds around the rock massif so closely that it does not allow for the construction of pavilions and enclosures with animals. Here, visitors can focus on the paleontological trail called 'Footprints in Time'.

Discover Prague through Michael W. Pospíšil’s photographs

8.6.2020 — L'Institut français de Prague (French Institute of Prague) is holding an exhibition called 'Prague etc...' by Czech-French photographer Michael W. Pospíšil until the 4th of July. The exhibition is held at Gallery 35 on Štěpánská Street, part of the French Institute which supports connection between French and Czech art.

Uncover the story of the Wels family in Villa Winternitz

21.9.2020 — The 'No night so dark' exhibition, which takes place in the Villa Winternitz until the 29th of November, will introduce you to the story of the First Republic architect Rudolf Wels' family. The story of the Wels family is a story that should not be forgotten. There is no better setting for the exhibition, as Rudolf Wels was a disciple of the famous architect Adolf Loose, who designed Villa Winternitz.


8.4.2013 —

Primátor hl. města Prahy přijal zdvořilostní návštěvu Primátora města Vysoké Tatry

13.2.2004 — Primátor hlavního města Prahy MUDr. Pavel Bém se dnes v 11:30 hodin ve své rezidenci setkal s primátorem města Vysoké Tatry Jánem Mokošem

Come and listen to music like in Mozart's era

31.7.2019 — Famous organ concerts in the baroque church of St. Francis of Assisi, in the heart of the Old Town of Prague, have their tradition since 1993. Besides compositions by world-famous composers from the Baroque and Classicism periods, music by Czech composers is also regularly played there.