MAREK KVETÁN / b. 05/03, 2010; d. 02/05, 2010


Staroměstská radnice, 2. patro /Old Town Hall, 2nd floor/
(Upcoming exhibition) 5/3, 2010 – 2/5, 2010
Tue – Sun 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Marek Kvetán (b. 1976) is a prominent Slovak Conceptual artist who has asserted himself on the international scene, well known in the Czech Republic notably thanks to the NG 333 Prize he won for his extraordinary light installation, Carpet. He works with environmental reality, taking everyday objects out of their functional context, and with the use of multimedia devices transforming them into items of specific aesthetic quality relating to a critical approach to contemporary society. For his Old Town Hall exhibition, he has prepared a new project consisting of several separate installations and objects involving new media and computer techniques.


Admission: CZK 40 / 20

Old Town Hall


The Old Town Hall belongs to the most important sights of Prague historical centre. The town hall office had been situated in the corner burgher´s house with a tower since the first half of the 14th century. The Old Town Hall is currently comprised of a building complex of several burghers´ houses which were purchased and rebuilt over the centuries. zde
Among the remarkable art historical components of the south side of the complex belong: the astronomical clock, which was mentioned as early as 1410; the main Late Gothic portal from the third quarter of the 15th century; and the distinct Renaissance window from the 16th century with the grille added subsequently. There were many small Gothic portals, vaults, wall paintings from the 15th century and painted log ceiling from the 16th century, restored in the interior. The eastern part of the complex was destroyed at the end of the Second World War in May 1945.

Today the building complex of the Old Town Hall serves as the cultural and representative space of the city of Prague. The Gallery can use the rooms on the second floor in which it presents the latest tendencies of contemporary art to the public.

1. března 2010
1. března 2010