The European Shakuhachi Festival 2010 - Opening Night


Japanese instruments and electronics

26. 08. 2010

Academy of Music Prague - Lichtenštejnský palác, Malostranské náměstí 13, Prague 1

Jean-Francois Lagrost will perform a unique piece for shakuhachi and processed voice with multi-channel sound. Jim Franklin will perform his own piece for shakuhachi and live electronics. Kiku Day will play contemporary music for the jinashi shakuhachi. Zenpo Shimura will introduce his project Cyber Shakuhachi (DVD screening) and Data-Live will be joined by Christopher Yohmei on the shakuhachi to demonstrate the instrument’s ability to produce live electronic ambient music. The final rave will be by DJ Nemesys. 




The European Shakuhachi Festival 2010 will be held in the building of Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague or HAMU for short. This building is located at the very heart of Prague's old city centre. It stands right against one of the Prague's most renown historical treasures, the St. Nicolas Church (Kostel sv. Mikuláše).

The complex of HAMU features several concert venues, both traditional and alternative. The festival opening on August 26 will take place at salla terena in the large courtyard. This courtyard will serve as an exhibition space and as an open-air cinema in the following days.

The evening concerts will take place in the so called Gallery which has excellent acoustic properties and can take up 150 people. Furthermore, there are beautiful alternative venues which include the medieval tower and secluded garden.

21. srpna 2010
21. srpna 2010