YEARS IN DAYS – Czech art 1945-1957


Městská knihovna, 2. patro /Municipal Library, 2nd floor/
d. 19/9, 2010
Tue – Sun 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

An intergenerational confrontation in thirteen chapters reflecting artistic phenomena, thematic and theoretical contexts, personalities and developments, spotlighting progressive creative acts thanks to which, in the period after the second world war and during the subsequent reign supreme of ideological demagoguery, Czech art managed to preserve the continuity of its cultural relevance and value. The exhibition´s concept aims at a revision of schematic assessment of individual artists, creating an open ground for a context-bound approach to their production. The show´s concluding section briefly outlines the juncture at which, in the aftermath of the first revision of the Stalinist regime, Czech art embarked in 1957 on its drawn-out return journey to the family of European culture.

Admission: CZK 120 / 60

Exhibition author: Marie Klimešová


Kočka, 1949, olej, plátno.jpg

9. srpna 2010
9. srpna 2010