Gorazdova 13, čp. 1996, Nové Město (New Town), Prague 2


Gorazdova 13, čp. 1996
Nové Město (New Town)
Prague 2



Miroslav Trnka
Zdeněk Trnka


Description of building:

The building is in the heritage site reserve in the capital city Prague, declared by government regulation no. 66/1971 Coll., on heritage site reserve in the capital city Prague.   

The Art Nouveau apartment building U Kapínů was built in 1905–1906 according to the design of the master-builder and owner of the house Jan Petrák. The presently valuable stucco and painting decorations are richly equipped with forged Art Nouveau elements of balcony gratings and others. All of these parts of the building were in a very bad state with a hard to feel colourful expression of the whole at the time of origin.


Success from the viewpoint of heritage site care:

The owners of the house U Kapínů obtained financial resources for structural and restoration work from the MHMP grant in 2004. There was a successful restoration of painting and stucco decoration on the facade. The implemented blacksmith’s and locksmith’s work can also be considered as being successful. All work carried out was done in accordance with the definite standpoint issued by the department of heritage site care of the Council of the capital city Prague according to stipulation of Article 14 paragraph 3 of Act No. 20/1987 Coll., on government heritage site care, as amended. Specialist workers of the department of heritage site care monitored the entire course of the work. Investigations of the previous colours of the facade and individual metallic elements were carried out and there was a restoration of the road facade into its previous form.



You can find more photographs here.

29. března 2005
29. března 2005