Karmelitská 23, čp. 374, Malá Strana (Lesser Town), Prague 1

Karmelitská 23, čp. 374
Malá Strana (Lesser Town)

Prague 1




Martin Čepek
Petra Čepková



Description of building:

The building is an immovable cultural site, recorded in the Central register of cultural sites under R.č.Ú.s. 1 - 802 and is in the heritage site reserve of the capital city Prague, declared by government regulation no. 66/1971 Coll., on heritage site reserve in the capital city Prague.

The formerly Renaissance building, which probably dates back even further, was renovated and in the first quarter of the 18th century it was fundamentally transformed.



Success from the viewpoint of heritage site care:

During investigations carried out during formulation of planning documentation for planning permission it was not possible to capture all historical elements. They were only found during construction work. This concerns extraordinarily valuable historical elements, particularly a ceiling mural and a unique collection of Baroque and Classical doors and windows. The discovery of Classical decorative decorations is unique in its integrity and mainly in considering the willingness of the investor to restore this painting.

During complete renovation two significant finds were made.

A highly valuable Baroque fresco was found, which was intricately restored. This Baroque fresco dates from a time when decorations were being done in the church of St. Mikuláš. The maker of the fresco in the house U praporečníků (“By the flag bearers”) has as yet not been determined.


The facade of the building was extraordinarily successfully restored. A significant find of two ensigns was made. So far the origin of the name of the house U praporečníků is unknown. This fresco was renovated and made public on the road facade.

During reconstruction the restoring of almost all architectonic elements was carried out, including the today hidden decking ceilings. A number of architectonic details, blacksmith and girdler elements, such as handles, metal fittings etc. were restored.


You can find more photographs here.

25. března 2005
25. března 2005