List of historically significant objects in Prague

Prague City Hall  - Heritage Department works on a long-term basis on a project creating an independent List of historically significant objects or groups of such objects in Prague.

In Prague Monument Reservation, as well as in the whole area of Prague, there are many objects and sites that are not listed in the Central List of Cultural Monuments of the Czech Republic, kept by the central office of the National Heritage Institute, nor are they proposed to be proclaimed as cultural monuments. However, from the point of view of monument care, they are valuable and significantly contribute in forming the unique character of Prague cultural landscape.

The purpose of this project is to protect monuments specified in this way, to emphasise their uniqueness and thus contribute to their preservation as an irreplaceable source of knowledge and a document of the level and development of our city in the past. Historical buildings and monuments contribute to shape the interest of the public in the matters of monument care and to a significant extent raise awareness of this specific field.

How to make a proposal for an entry into the list of historically significant objects in Prague (only in Czech)

17. prosince 2012
17. prosince 2012