
Certificates (passports) are detailed structurally-historical investigations, which are formulated by the National heritage site institute. This concerns historically and artistically valuable buildings located predominantly in the Heritage reserve in the capital city Prague.

This specialist documentation of buildings started in the late 1950s and early 1960s at the then Government institution for reconstruction of heritage site towns and buildings in Prague; Dr. Dobroslav  Líbal and  Dr. Milada Vilímková played the most considerably important roles in this. Currently NPÚ has 3,047 recorded certificates.

Each certificate contains the history of the building, architectonic analysis, structural history and structurally technical description (supporting masonry, vaults, ceilings, stairways, pargeting, floors and paving, doors, windows, chimneys, hygienic facilities, rafters and roof covering, gutters and eaves, fittings), valuable architectonic details, iconography, recommendations and directives for redevelopment and reconstruction, record of resources and literature, plans (facades, cellars, individual floors, roofs), and possibly photographs for newer ones.

The specialists (documentarists and archivists) from Culture, Monument Care and Tourism Department continuously scans the certificates, firstly the cadastral territory of Malá Strana. These certificate scans are part of the documentation centre, serve exclusively for internal needs of the Culture, Monument Care and Tourism Department of the Prague City Council and its employees and to further specialist work.


čp. 60, Dražického náměstí 4, Prague 1 - Lesser Town
"By the Holy Trinity" (U nejsvětější Trojice)


čp. 64, Dražického náměstí 9, Dražického 3, Prague 1 - Lesser Town


čp. 65, Dražického náměstí 10, Prague 1 - Lesser Town


čp. 66, Míšeňská 12, Dražického 2, Prague 1 - Lesser Town
U bílé kuželky


čp. 27, Tomášská 2, Letenská 24, Prague 1 - Lesser Town
U zlatého čápa, U Schnellů


čp. 151, Valdštejnská 4, Prague 1 - Lesser Town 151-náhled
čp. 10, Thunovská 5, Tomášská 5, Prague 1 - Lesser Town čp10
The town hall block on Small Square
Čp. 3,4,5,6,7,8, Small Square, Prague 1 - Old Town


27. května 2005
27. května 2005