Vlašská 20, čp. 329, Malá Strana (Lesser Town), Prague 1

Vlašská 20, čp. 329
Malá Strana (Lesser Town)

Prague 1




Eva Veselá



Description of building:

Vlašská 20, čp. 329 is an immovable cultural site, recorded in the Central register of cultural sites under R. č. Ú. s. 1-764 and is in the heritage site reserve in the capital city Prague, which has been since 1992 recorded in the UNESCO register, and is protected according to Act No. 20/1987 Coll., on government heritage site care and government regulation No. 66/ 1971 Coll., on heritage site reserve in the capital city Prague.

The parterre of the house with a quality Classical facade was not very auspiciously newly reconstructed in the 1920s for commercial purposes, when there was a partial stripping and deformation of the Classical state.


Success from the viewpoint of heritage site care:

During renovation of the building there was a restoration of the windows on the first floor, which are a unique example of the authenticity of preserved outer Classical windows on the face of the facade with secondarily used Baroque angle irons and evidently partially hinges as well. The entire restoration of the facade of the building was also successful.



You can find more photographs here.

25. března 2005
25. března 2005