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Owner of Cultural Monument’s Handbook

Everything that you should know icon_pdf.gif

Renewal of Cultural Monuments

(According to provisions of Sec. 14, Para. 1 and 2 of Act No. 20/1987 Coll., On State Monument Care, as amended)

Provision of archaeological research

Consent of the owner of the real estate to label it as cultural monument

Example of sheeting to cover the scaffolding on the monument

A commentary on the competence of the National Heritage Institute (NHI) and PCH-HD stipulated in Act No. 20/1987 Coll., On State Monument Care, and other valid legal regulations

Areas of competence of individual officers in the City of Prague

List of restorers

National Heritage Institute in Prague:

  • address: Prague 1, Old Town, Na Perštýně 356/12, 110 00;
  • tel: 234 653 111;
  • fax: 234 653 119
17. prosince 2012
17. prosince 2012