Míšeňská 12, čp. 66, Malá Strana (Lesser Town), Prague 1


Míšeňská 12, čp. 66
Malá Strana (Lesser Town)

Prague 1



Ing. Luděk Fabinger
Italská 25
Prague 2


Description of building:

Míšeňská 12, čp. 66 is an immovable cultural site, recorded in the Central register of cultural sites under R. č. Ú. s. 1-552 and is in the heritage site reserve in the capital city Prague, which has been recorded since 1992 in the UNESCO register, and is protected by law and government regulation no. 66 / 1971 Coll., on heritage site reserve in the capital city Prague.

This concerns a Baroque new building by K. Dientzenhofer from the beginning of the 18th century, supplemented in 1864 by a late Classical side and rear wing. The house has former cellars underneath almost its entire area with sandstone gates and stone cylindrical vaults. Ground floor spaces including a passage way are arched by cylindrical vaults with lunette segments, a compact oval vault with corner segments and lunettes and also partly with cross vaults.

Predominantly the southern half of the basement and ground floor of the building, which has former Baroque masonry and arched ceilings throughout it, was struck in August 2002 by floods, apart from the ceiling structures above the ground floor.


Success from the viewpoint of heritage site care:

During renovation of the building there was a very successful restoration of facades on the basis of restorer investigation carried out according to the former colour design, inclusive of windows and other artistic and artistic-craftwork elements.



You can find more photographs here.

25. března 2005
25. března 2005